Infonews n°112 du 11/03/2001
Cette semaine, des sites pour le Mois des Femmes (voyez en particulier le site*** sur les films) , des idées de textes et activités pour la St Patrick, des sites contre la violence sous toute ses formes (bullying, envers les femmes, la torture, les exécutions capitales) et un dossier de sites originaux et complets sur l'histoire (voyez le site ** civics online) , et enfin découvrez comment marchent les hoaxes et que la pétition en faveur des femmes Afghanes est un Hoax! bonne lecture!
~~~~~~~~ Sommaire ~~~~~~~~
Women's History Month
Women's rights from Israel (from ETNI <> )
Women in the past (NEH Outlook, March 2001)
***Exploring Women's History Through Film (NEH Outlook, March 2001)
Gloria Steinem (712> BONUS POINTS)
St Patrick's Day
Biography (712> BONUS POINTS)
In Ireland and in the US (TheKidzKingdom - Thursday, March 8)
St. Patrick's Day Lesson Plans (CHALK TALK-)
St Patrick's games ( Wednesday's Kid Klicks! 3 - 07 - 01)
The Bullying Project (Education World Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 08)
Amnesty International Campaign Against Torture (The Scout Report -- March 9, 2001)
Creatice impulse : the artist's view of world history and western
civilisation (The Classroom Flyer Friday Edition 02/16/01)
Hyper History (VIRTUAL> Virtual Teacher)
American Memory from the Library of Congress (PLANET> Education Planet Newsletter)
History Matters Update (The Scout Report -- March 9, 2001)
**Civics Online (The Scout Report -- February 16)
Internet Tools
La pétition en faveur des Femmes Afghanes: un Hoax! (from Jean Sahai sur agreg-anglais)
Women's History Month
Women's rights from Israel (from ETNI <> )
Amit network has updated its English site and designed a new lesson plan on
International Women's Day.
This lesson can be part of a whole unit dealing with gender equality.
[ Un poème pour collège, et pour le lycée des liens très intéressants dans
cette leçon:
- un tableau des salaires des femmes en comparaison de ceux des hommes dans différents
- le site d'Amnesty International (lutte des femmes contre la torture)
- un forum de discussion sur les 'Role Models'!skip=195
Women in the past (NEH Outlook, March 2001)
The challenges of uncovering the lives of women in the past is the March
theme featured on NEH's family history website, "My History Is America's
[ découvrez des histoires personnelles, qui peuvent inciter vos élèves à écrire les
***Exploring Women's History Through
Film (NEH Outlook, March 2001)
This month's featured website on EDSITEment is "Exploring Women's History
Through Film" (
), which includes
many links to teaching resources on women's studies. EDSITEment is NEH's
web-based collection of high-quality teaching materials for humanities
teachers ( ).
[une approche intéressante, basée sur l'écriture d'un script. Pour les
élèves des sections audio-visuel et tous ceux que la vidéo et le cinéma
intéresse, voyez ce site, et en particulier ce site sur le cinéma:
et les pages pour rédiger un script:
Gloria Steinem (712> BONUS POINTS)
March is Women's History Month. Read all about the founder of Ms. Magazine.
[dès la 4ème. Découvrez la biographie courte et claire de cette grande
dame, ainsi que des liens vers quelques unes de ses contemporaines. ]
Where women started:
Where they are now:
Where they're going:
[ des liens pour découvrir toues les femmes célèbres depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à nos
St Patrick's Day
Biography (712> BONUS POINTS)
Students always look forward to March 17th when they can pinch those not
wearing green. Have your students learn about the person behind the holiday.
[ une biographie courte et simple, utilisable dès la 4ème, et un texte
simple pour présenter les coutumes et traditions pour cette fête:
In Ireland and in the US (TheKidzKingdom - Thursday, March 8)
[ quelques paragraphes courts et un glossaire]
[ l'histoire de St Patrick et du Shamrock, et des liens vers des sites
présentatnt des manifestations, des pubs...]
St. Patrick's Day Lesson Plans (CHALK TALK-)
For those of you who like to plan your lessons early, check out these
St. Patrick's Day resources from all over the web. Get ready for the jolly
green holiday of March 17th!
[ des idées pour la St Patrick]
St Patrick's games ( Wednesday's Kid Klicks! 3 - 07 - 01)
St Patrick's Mazes
St. Patrick's Word Puzzles
[pour les plus petits]
The Bullying Project (Education World Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 08)
This site helps young people deal with the problems of bullying and teasing.
[un site intéressant pour ceux qui souhaitent travailler sur la violence à l'école]
Controversy sells records, but teachers can provide the antidote to
messages of hate and discrimination. Canadian Teachers Guide Deb
Russell helps you with some lesson plans.
[ le 21 mars, c'est la journée internationale contre la discrimination
raciale au Canada. Lisez l'article et explorer les liens, comme par exemple ce quizz:
Amnesty International Campaign Against Torture (The Scout Report -- March 9, 2001)
"Broken bodies, shattered minds Torture and ill-treatment of women"
"Stopping the Torture Trade"
Amnesty International Campaign Against Torture
These new reports from Amnesty International have been issued as part
of the organization's larger campaign against torture launched in
October. The first reports on the torture and ill-treatment of women
by agents of the state, armed groups, and family members. The report
claims that, far from taking action to prevent this violence,
governments around the world have abandoned their responsibilities
and neglected to take effective measures. The second report examines
the ballooning international trade in both traditional tools of
torture (e.g., leg irons and shackles) as well as newer electro-shock
devices and other "non-lethal" weapons. The report reveals how
torturers have been trained through the transfer of military and
security training and makes a number of recommendations to
governments and corporations on methods they can pursue to eradicate
torture. Users may download both reports by chapter or in their
entirety in .pdf format. [MD]
[ des documents très intéressants sur le site d'Amnesty International:
Voyez par exemple en détail le cas de Thomas Nevius, qui sera\USA
Creatice impulse : the artist's view of world history and western
civilisation (The Classroom Flyer Friday Edition 02/16/01)
Don't miss this incredible resource for high school students.
It builds a history course with internet links, all based on
the premise that a civilization, its history, and its culture
cannot fully be understood without connecting to its creative
products. On that note, prepare for a well-documented journey
through time, with portals for people, places, events, art,
daily life and culture, and much, much more.
[ un site très complet, basé sur l'histoire vue du côté concret. Vous y
trouverez des ressources intéressantes pour les élèves de LP et classes
technologiques. Découvrez par exemple qu'Otis n'a pas inventé l'ascenseur,
en version audio, accompagnée d'un texte qui n'en est pas la transcription:
Hyper History (VIRTUAL> Virtual Teacher)
This is such an excellent resource - easy to navigate and with info
that is fantastic for upper primary. The information is concise with
links to primary source material provided at the end of most articles.
You can search for people, colour coded for various disciplines,
historical events and milestones, history in different countries, or
for maps during different historical periods.
[ en cliquant sur 'peopel' puis '1500-1996', vous accéderez à une timeline
des personnes célèbres qui permet de situer les uns par rapport aux autres,
et d'accéder à des biographies courtes, puis des sites plus complets sur
American Memory from the Library of Congress (PLANET> Education Planet Newsletter)
The primary aim of the National Digital Library Program
is to provide access to the various American History and
American Culture holdings at the Library of Congress
including photographs, rare manuscripts, books, maps,
sound recordings, and video recordings . Currently there
are over 90 thematic multimedia collections that can be
accessed over the internet from the American Memory website.
In addition to these collections there is a Learning Page
section with background information on each collection as
well as lesson plans, professional development information,
and educational games.
[ essayez les puzzles: un côté ludique, qui mène à des informations sur un site, puis
des questions sur le sujet. Voyez aussi les leçons.]
History Matters Update (The Scout Report -- March 9, 2001)
A joint project of the City University of New York's American Social
History Project/ Center for Media and Learning and George Mason
University's Center for History and New Media, this feature-rich site
has recently announced a major expansion (see the original review in
the September 22, 1998 _Scout Report for Social Sciences_). As
before, History Matters is an excellent resource for high school and
university history teachers, now offering hundreds of primary
documents and audio clips, an impressive annotated webliography,
sample Web-based assignments, and a useful reference section which
links to resources on standards, citing and evaluating Websites, and
understanding copyright and fair use laws. Additional sections
include guides for analyzing primary sources, annotated syllabi,
sample student projects, and teaching tips and strategies. The site
may be browsed by section or searched by keyword or advanced options.
Any instructor in US history or social studies will want to bookmark
this site. [MD]
[un portail pour lycée et post-bac. Des documents commentés et des liens. ]
**Civics Online (The Scout Report -- February 16)
Designed by Lansing, Michigan area K-12 teachers and faculty at
Michigan State University, this handsome and well-organized site is a
fine resource for K-12 teachers and students. At the site, users can
search for and retrieve a variety of digitized primary sources
related to American government and democracy, such as treaties, court
decisions, inaugural addresses, maps, paintings, and photos. There
are numerous search options and each resource includes notes on the
applicable "Core Democratic Values" and Michigan Curriculum Strands.
The Teachers section also features hypermedia case studies, a
collection of useful annotated links, and information on the Michigan
Curriculum Framework. The Students section includes a glossary,
timeline, annotated links, and a "a civic adventure tracing civic
themes and using primary sources to consider the case of Elian
Gonzalez." Finally, the Parents area offers an introduction to civic
education, a guide to using the site and exploring civics with
children, and related links. [MD]
[ un site passionnant et adapté aux élèves en autonomie, à utiliser pour
des TPE histoire-géo/anglais par exemple. Ce site pourrait aussi servir de
base à un travail en ECJS, sur les lois d'immigration par exemple, en se
basant sur l'étude du cas du petit Elian et en réfléchissant aux lois
françaises en parallèle:
Internet Tools
La pétition en faveur des Femmes Afghanes: un Hoax! (from Jean Sahai sur agreg-anglais)
Voyez ce site: il vous explique comment fonctionne un hoax, vous pouvez
lire des témoignages de gens qui ont subit ou (involontairement)
amplifié le phénomène, et enfin, ils vous donnent les vraies adresses à
contacter pour quand même faire quelque chose pour les femmes Afghanes!
Mettez absolument ce site dans vos favoris, et pensez à y aller à chaque
fois que vous recevez une lettre chaine ou une alerte à virus. Les journaux
et les radios ont beaucoup parlé de ce site si utile, qui va peut-être
enfin ralentir le phénomène.
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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France