Infonews n°190 du 15/06/2003 

This is the last Infonews for this schoolyear. A la une, a
teaching unit about architecture and design, where students will first look
at various styles then reflect about the requirements and finally realise a
project. In the resources for secondary school, you will find sites for
recipes, information about cybers-security and crime, the museum of
broadcast communication in Chicago, and a site about the history of Jazz.
In the resources for primary school, find ideas of crafts for July 4th, and
information about safety for kids. Finally, in "teaching practice" find how
to register for Cyber-Langues 2003 (last opportunity), articles in French
about integrating ICT in language teaching and using portfolios, and a call
for papers for the magazine "StandPoint".
I wish you happy and relaxing holidays!

A la Une : Architecture and design
How to start
Further information
Resources for secondary school
Baking (from annie Gwynn)
Center for Democracy and Technology: Government Surveillance ( from
LIIWEEK June 12)
The Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago ( from LIIWEEK June 12)
Jazz Roots: Early Jazz History (from The Scout Report -- June 13)
Resources for primary school
4th of July handicraft
June is National Safety month
Teaching practice
Portfolio (from Olivier Colas)
Intégrer les TIC dans l'enseignement des langues (from Olivier Colas)
Colloque Cyber-Langues 2003
Publish your pupils' poetry work (from Olivier Colas on e-teach)

A la Une : Architecture and design
This could be a good end of the year activity in the last year of lower
secondary school, or you can choose to use it in the first year of upper
secondary school next year ( cela correspond bien au thème de seconde :
"vivre ensemble"). You can also use it with classes interested in art,
architecture, design and technology.

The teacher will show the students some unusual buildings or invite them to
look at them on their computers. Then he/she will make them reflect about
the specificities of each design, and their purpose (it can be practical or
purely artistic). In the next phase, the students students will create
something ( a drawing, a plan, a 3D model on a computer or made of clay,
etc.) and at the same time revise or learn the corresponding vocabulary.
While they design their project, they will discuss it and justify their
choices, either to the class, or to a group of students (you can assign
them different objectives) and use sentences like : the rooms/stairs/wall
will/should/might be.....because....., so that....., etc.

How to start
The students need examples to provide them with ideas, and basic
vocabulary. You can handout some parts of those texts, print the pictures
on transparencies and invite them to comment them as a whole class, or take
them to the computer room and let them choose what they want to see or
read, and them bring together their finding orally in class.
You can use:
- GreatBuildings, presenting several famous building and why they were
created that way, and several architects with their special style:
- this site from a museum, presenting pictures of unusual buildings and
explaining the special design of the museum:
- this site also offering pictures of unusual buildings
- this site about the Eiffel tower, where you can find facts and figures in
English (and in French)
- this site about "falling waters" by Franck Lloyd Wright
- those sites featuring modern buildings ( the address is a page of links):
- this site about Escher and his very special drawings
including this very special house
- those sites about 20th century architectural trends (for advanced
students, but the teacher can only select pictures)
- the site of the skyscraper museum, and especially this page about "future
- this site about "adaptive architecture" with pictures showing how houses
can be made accessible to disabled people

Design a house
You can find the full lesson plan in pdf format (to print, with drawing and
examples) at
or in the interactive form of a webquest at:
At the end of this activity, the students will draw plans for their dream

Make your house from clay
You can also invite them to build it in clay, or any other type of
material, as you can read in this lesson plan

Further information
for advanced students, or for teachers, see:
- these seven stages of the creative process

- discover Paolo Soleri, his theory "archology : "Concept of Ecological
Human Habitats was introduced by Paolo Soleri in late 1960's, exploring an
alternative urban development in the age of environmental crisis."
and his realisations : Cosanti and Archosanti, "an alternative to urban
sprawl. "

- read the US "ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities

Resources for secondary school
Baking (from annie Gwynn)
Annie created this page of very useful links, that could be of great help
for end of the year activities :
don't miss the first link to recipes from the BBC!
You can also find interviews of chefs on video, with transcripts.
and if you liked this page Annie made, you may also find other interesting
resources on her site:

Center for Democracy and Technology: Government Surveillance ( from
LIIWEEK June 12)
Background information, news, analysis, policy papers,
legislation, and other information about government
surveillance issues. Topics include wiretapping, the USA
PATRIOT Act, cybersecurity and cybercrime, the
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA, or
the digital telephony law), "digital search and seizure,"
and legislative proposals. Digital Storm provides an
overview of law enforcements use of digital technology. From
the Center for Democracy and Technology.
[ a very useful site to discover the lastest US laws about cellphone and
cybercrime ans security, their advantages and drawbacks. See what they say
about their mission:
"The Center for Democracy and Technology works to promote democratic values
and constitutional liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law,
technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical solutions to enhance free
expression and privacy in global communications technologies. CDT is
dedicated to building consensus among all parties interested in the future
of the Internet and other new communications media. " ]

The Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago ( from LIIWEEK June 12)
Although it is centered on TV in Chicago, you can still this site for
references. If you can't go there, you can still find online :
- "Encyclopedia of Television" featuring articles about the great figures
of television (Oprah, Dan rather, Ronald Reagan, etc.), a summary of the
most famous US series and programs, and articles about current issues like
reality program (compare their definition to what we call reality TV in
Europe), tabloid Television, racism and ethnicity, terrorism, TV
technology, etc.
My only regret is that there are no videos and very few pictures. But the
articles are very interesting and useful.
- "Docufest" offering videos and lesson plans on several subjects. Civil
rights presents an interview of Malcolm X which is very interesting,
although there is only a short summary and no full transcript. The videos
come with a lesson plan and suggestions to start a class discussion.
- Tips for teachers, explaining how they can use Docufest in their classroom

Jazz Roots: Early Jazz History (from The Scout Report -- June 13)
Focusing primarily on the first thirty years of jazz, this site offers a
nice introduction to the development of the idiom, along with information
about the various musicians and composers who contributed to this truly
American art form. This site was developed as a labor of love by Tom Morgan,
a radio producer and host of a well-regarded jazz show in New Orleans.
Visitors unacquainted with the history of jazz may do well to read over the
overview essay, which contains hyperlinks to various seminal performers and
composers during the genre's early period. The Early Jazz Musicians section
is a compendium of Web sites that discuss hundreds of performers, ranging
from Henry (Red) Allen to Fats Waller. The pictures section of the site
contains a number of scanned sheet music covers, along with a short piece
about the importance of the work, and its context within the development of
jazz. Finally, the Fun Facts section allows visitors to find out where early
jazz musicians were born and read some musings on the origins of the word
jazz. [KMG]

Resources for primary school
4th of July handicraft
To celebrate the 4th of July, or just tell the pupils what it is and
decorate the class, you can:
- make with them this wind chime
- or spinners
- print those stars and other patterns

June is National Safety month
Eduplace offers you games and activities, and a very easy quiz

Teaching practice
Portfolio (from Olivier Colas)
La popularité du portfolio dans la classe pour les élèves et comme témoin
des pratiques pour l'enseignant semble grandissante au Québec, et ailleurs.
Le portfolio se veut un témoin et un instrument de développement des
compétences de l'élève à travers un collection de ses travaux - traces de
son travail.
Je vous invite à télécharger et lire cette étude de la Direction des
Ressources Didactiques du ministère de l'education du Québec est présentée
par Robert Bibeau. Elle fait le point sur les caractéristiques du portfolio
numérique et sur les conditions de son utilisation.

Intégrer les TIC dans l'enseignement des langues (from Olivier Colas)
Titre : Effet de l¹intégration des NTIC sur l¹apprentissage du français et
de l¹anglais au secondaire
Extraits : " L¹objectif de l¹équipe de chercheurs était d¹évaluer l¹impact
de l¹intégration des technologies de l¹information et de la communication
(TIC) sur des élèves de niveau secondaire, au plan des attitudes et de la
motivation à l¹apprentissage et au plan du développement des habiletés
langagières en français et en anglais."
Source: L'Infobourg - brèves
Date: 9 août 2002

Titre : Pas facile d¹intégrer les TIC
Extrait : "Encore une fois, il semble que des chercheurs aient constaté
qu¹il existe un décalage entre la théorie et la pratique en ce qui concerne
l¹utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l¹information et de la
communication dans les écoles."
Source: L'Infobourg - brèves
Date: 2 août 2002

Titre : Le défi d'intégrer les TIC en classe
Extrait : "Après quelques recherches préliminaires, M. Martin et son équipe
en sont venus au constat que « si les enseignants tardent à utiliser les TIC
dans leurs classes, ce n¹est pas parce qu¹ils réagissent mal au changement,
ce n¹est pas non plus qu¹ils ne veulent pas apprendre à se servir des TIC »,
ce serait plutôt parce qu¹ils sont des acteurs stratégiques et qu¹ils font
des choix fondés sur une rationalité d¹économie. En bref, ils se demandent :
« Est-ce que cela vaut la peine de chambarder le fonctionnement de ma classe
pour y intégrer les TIC? ». "
Source: L'Infobourg - brèves
Date: 19 juillet 2002

Titre : La pédagogie du projet et les TIC
Source : L'Infobourg - brèves
Date: 21 juin 2002

Colloque Cyber-Langues 2003
Du lundi 18 au mercredi 20 août 2003 se tiendra à Artigues (académie de
Bordeaux) le quatrième colloque organisé par l'association Cyber-Langues.
Nous vous invitons tous à compléter le formulaire de pré-inscription en
ligne afin de confirmer votre présence AVANT LE 15 JUIN pour cette
manifestation qui réunit des professeurs de langues qui tout au long de
l'année, expérimentent, chacun à leur niveau et à leur rythme, de nouveaux
outils, découvrent de nouvelles pistes pour intégrer les T.I.C. à leur
pratique pédagogique.
Le thème du prochain colloque, "Les Technologies de l'Information et de la
Communication en cours de langues vivantes : les pratiques concrètes des
enseignants", nous renvoie à ce qui est la raison d'être de l'association :
organiser chaque été un colloque qui soit un lieu privilégié d'échanges
d'expériences entre collègues, de compétences entre concepteurs de matériel
pédagogique, éditeurs multimédias et les professeurs de langues vivantes.
En l'espace de trois ans, le colloque Cyber-Langues est devenu un
rendez-vous incontournable pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux apports des
TIC en matière d'enseignement et d'apprentissage des langues.
Certains collègues se demandent si Cyber-Langues est exclusivement réservé à
des professeurs avertis / aguerris qui ont déjà une longue pratique
régulière des outils derrière eux ? Absolument pas ! Cyber-Langues
s'adresse également aux "néophytes", à ceux qui veulent "monter" un projet
TICE et qui veulent
rencontrer des collègues pour glaner quelques idées intéressantes, à ceux
qui y viennent pour une "sensibilisation" à ce qui peut se faire en classe
ou pour faire le point sur les différentes pratiques des uns et des
Pour en savoir davantage, consultez le site officiel de l'association et
découvrez le pré-programme, les actes des précédentes manifestations et bien
d¹autres pages encore !
La date limite pour la fin des inscriptions est le 15 juin.
Pour le Bureau de l'association, équipe organisatrice de Cyber-Langues 2003
* Olivier COLAS
* Annie GWYNN
* Christine REYMOND

Publish your pupils' poetry work (from Olivier Colas on e-teach)
Poetry is one of the themes planned for New Standpoints N° 18 (November /
December issue). Michelle Sommers is looking for a lower secondary school
teacher(s) who
enjoys using poetry with 5 or 4 or 3ème classes to write up the work they
have done for a Class File (a one page introduction and procedure, one or
two worksheets). The article, for which there is a renumeration according to
the length, would be due in the beginning of September (or earlier).
Contact Michelle Sommers at for more information. Share
your interesting and successful projects with teachers through New


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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