INFONEWS n°41 du 13/06/99


Cette semaine, à la une, un site de la BBC qui passionnera vos élèves
(j'allais dire 'comme un roman, mais je crois que 'comme un jeu vidéo'
conviendrait mieux!). Puis des dossiers autour de deux dates:
le 11 juin, l'anniversaire de Mandela et le 14 juin, Flag Day. Et de
nombreuses ressources à découvrir: des almanacs, des dictionnaires, des
sites de leçons, et bien d'autres...
Bonne semaine à tous!


A la une
SPYWATCH (BBC Education Newsletter Fri, 11 Jun )
Around Mandela's birthday
JUNE 11TH 1918 : Nelson Mandela's birthday (The Learning Company's CLASSROOM FLYER, Monday, June 7th)
The Rise and Fall of Apartheid, by Donald N. Rollin
History of South Africa and Apartheid
Read 26 years of Mandela's letters, statements, and speeches during his imprisonment:
lessons about mandela and Human rights
quelques liens pour élargir le sujet aux african-americans et aux afro-americans.
Around Flag Day
The Flag of the United States of America ('s W.O.W. List for Friday, June 11th)
The American Flags ('s W.O.W. List for Friday, June 11th)
Flag & Country Quiz ('s W.O.W. List for Friday, June 11th)
This Day in History from History Channel
Infoplease Daily Almanac
Resources for teachers
Helpwiz (ResearchBuzz #29 -- June 7)
NetFirst Calendar Planner (ResearchBuzz #29 -- June 7)
'Every Day' Activities: Language (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 18)
Webster Dictionary on line
Cobuild Dictionary on line
Walking Out of History (From the MPR Newsroom)
'Every Day' Activities: Today in History (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 18)
'The New York Times on the web' Daily Lesson Plan
Year Almanacs
Children's Creative Theater (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 18)
Module Maker (Blue Web'n Update 6/11/99)
Webmonkey for Kids (Blue Web'n Update 6/11/99)
Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web Smithsonian Institution Libraries ( The Scout Report June 11)
Other sites
Kids + Violence -- What You Can Do (wNetSchool Bulletin - Summer 1999)
PARENT TIME...... Get Ready for Fathers Day (Compass: The TIME 100 edition Tue, 8 Jun )
TIME DIGITAL... Star Wars FX Whiz Dennis Muren Speaks Out (The TIME 100 Tue, 8 Jun )
TIME .... The TIME 100: Heroes and Icons ( The TIME 100 edition Tue, 8 Jun )
Tate Gallery Online ( The Scout Report June 11)
How Things Fly (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering June 9)


A la une
SPYWATCH (BBC Education Newsletter Fri, 11 Jun )
Contextualised rhyming, phonics, story-writing activities and spycatching itself are just some of the skills you can pick up at the Spywatch literacy site. Recently nominated for a Yell Award, this site continues to fox users with its beguiling mix of grammatical challenge and literary espionage. Young students Norman, Mary, Dennis and Polly are on hand to guide you through a variety of literacy games and spyhunting activities against the exciting backdrop of World
War Two and German double agents.
[un jeu superbe : la BBC sait ce dont les profs ont besoin! On peut charger le site pour l'utiliser hors connexion, et le texte est simple (vocabulaire niveau 4ème) et écrit assez gros pour bien le lire. L'histoire est bien présentée, style BD avec des sons, les jeux sont simplistes, mais on suit
bien l'histoire, et on trouve en plus des indications historiques sur la guerre. Pour tirer parti des jeux, recommandez l'utilisation d'un dictionnaire et une trace écrite des mots nouveaux, assortie de dessins ou de traduction. A démarrer en classe entière : l'ensemble va accrocher les élèves pendant plusieurs séances....en autonomie! Vous pourez ensuite demander un compte-rendu écrit ou oral ou même faire un évaluation, en les prévenant bien des notes à prendre et de ce sur quoi vous évaluerez.]

Around Mandela's birthday
JUNE 11TH 1918 : Nelson Mandela's birthday (The Learning Company's CLASSROOM FLYER, Monday, June 7th)
The Rise and Fall of Apartheid, by Donald N. Rollin
[pour enseignants]

History of South Africa and Apartheid
[site très complet, pour enseignants et étudiants]

Read 26 years of Mandela's letters, statements, and speeches during his imprisonment:
[malheureusement, il y a les textes, mais pas de son!]

lessons about mandela and Human rights
[en plus des adresses précédentes, j'ai découvert ce site de ressources pour enseignants sur le sujet. Une mine de textes simples et complets, et des démarches utilisables dès la 4ème. La démarche et les ressources sont séparées, ce qui demande un certain temps pour remettre tout ensemble, mais cela en vaut la peine!]

une page de liens. J'ai retenu une courte biographie utilisable avec les élèves:

quelques liens pour élargir le sujet aux african-americans et aux afro-americans.

Around Flag Day
The Flag of the United States of America ('s W.O.W. List for Friday, June 11th)
Learn everything you could ever want to know about the flag that is the symbol of our country, including information about the origination of Flag Day.
[ un site à conserver: la constitution, l'hymne national, des visites virtuelles de sites nationaux, et des renseignements utiles sur le drapeau : quand le déployer, comment le plier...]

The American Flags ('s W.O.W. List for Friday, June 11th)
Read about how our flag was invented and developed through history at this page.
[une page simple sur l'histoire du drapeau]

Flag & Country Quiz ('s W.O.W. List for Friday, June 11th)
Can you identify the flags of other countries? Take this quiz to find out!
[pour collèges, un quizz sur les drapeaux et les noms de pays]

This Day in History from History Channel
[voir aussi 'The Star Spangled Banner Exhibit' un site complet, avec textes, images, vidéos et même un guide du prof complet, à télécharger en .PDF :
-->   ]

Infoplease Daily Almanac
[Je vous ai envoyé la page 'flag' en l'honneur de Flag Day, le 14 juin.
Vous pourrez aussi découvrir les rubriques 'Today in History' et 'Today's birthdays'.
Suggestion d'utilisation : présenter rapidement les éléments du jour à la classe, puis encourager les élèves intéressés à préparer en autonomie un compte rendu écrit ou oral sur le sujet. Ils pourront utiliser les archives, un autre site, une recherche sur cédérom ou une encyclopédie, selon les moyens disponibles.]

Resources for teachers
Helpwiz (ResearchBuzz #29 -- June 7)
If you have Shockwave, go check out Helpwiz . It's a  directory of reference and research sources online with a Shockwave interface. The interface makes for a display of lots of information within a very small area. My only two problems with this method are that
1) I couldn't find the raw URL anywhere, and 2) Searching the directory seemed to take a while.
Still, this is a good idea and worth a look.
[ un annuaire thématique, j'ai aimé leur liste de dictionnaires]

NetFirst Calendar Planner (ResearchBuzz #29 -- June 7)
The OCLC has a really neat feature called the NetFirst Calendar Planner. Each issue presents details and links to holiday and event information taking place about 90 days from the issue date. Perfect if your site has an "on this day" feature that you want to be more than just a listing of information.
[ 9 semaines à l'avance, un almanac pas trop riche, avec des liens pour approfondir.]

'Every Day' Activities: Language (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 18)
Build vocabulary skills, spelling skills, literature awareness, thinking skills, and more with daily fun. Make it a goal to work one of these Web sites into your lesson plans in the year ahead!
[à partir de cette page, j'ai trouvé les sites suivants]

Webster Dictionary on line
[les différents sens du mot, avec des exemples, il ne manque que la prononciation
Pour les élèves, voir Daily Buzz Word : un mot 'rare', avec sa prononciation (américaine), une définition, un exemple et un quizz sur l'origine du mot.]

Cobuild Dictionary on line
[prononciation (anglaise), définition, catégorie grammaticale et exemples
Pour les élèves, voir 'Idiom of the day' avc des expressions bien expliquées. (pas d'archives)]

Walking Out of History (From the MPR Newsroom)
A ship trapped in the Antarctic ice. Twenty-eight men surviving horrendous conditions. A quietly heroic captain. The true story of the crew of the Endurance told in text, sound, and photos.
[vous pouvez écouter l'histoire, avec ou sans le texte sous les yeux. Excellent pour une compréhension orale]

'Every Day' Activities: Today in History (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 18)
Many sites offer "This Day in History" resources that are a great way to teach current events, history, and cultural literacy. Imagine a classroom timeline that highlights current events or events connected to historic periods. Add pictures collected from Web resources such as the Library of
Congress and LIFE magazine. A great opportunity for learning!
[un autre site superbe pour rebondir. J'y a trouvé les sites suivants]

'The New York Times on the web' Daily Lesson Plan
[Pour chaque leçon de 45 mn, un article du journal avec des aides de vocabulaire du Webster et de géographie d'Encarta. Puis un plan détaillé de la leçon. Voir:
School Violence: 'Is It in Your Backyard?' (le même plan que j'ai utilisé avec mes élèves : comréhension écrite à partir d'articles, mise en commun et débat oral, compte rendu et expression écrite)
violence et internet : 'Is the Internet Igniting Violence?'
Peine de mort : 'Compassion on Death Row?'
Star Wars : 'May the Force Be With(in) You'
Pollution : 'Wanted: A Breath of Fresh Air'

Year Almanacs
    des évènements et des anniversaires pour chaque jour de l'année. Des listes énormes, non hiérarchisées et sans liens. A n'utiliser que si vous rechercher vraiment des indications sur un jour précis.

Children's Creative Theater (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 18)
The Children's Creative Theater site is a great resource for teachers and students interested in creative dramatics and theater. You'll find a short history of theater, a glossary of theater terms, creative dramatics games and activities, a skit, quizzes, and more!
[ un site sur le théatre, avec une histoire complète et des activités intéressantes, facilement transposables au cours de langue.
Voir aussi : Shakespeare Alive!Teaching materials
un site de ressources et d'activités originales et dynamiques autour de Shakespeare.

Module Maker (Blue Web'n Update 6/11/99)
This site guides teachers through the process of creating online research modules for their students. The research model presented here is intended to "challenge your students to make up their own minds while supplying them with rich information to support such thinking," and the guidance includes advice on asking good questions, scaffolding the assignment to direct
student efforts, and setting up the online module in stages. Authored by Jamie McKenzie, publisher of the From Now On Educational Technology Journal, Module Maker includes examples and templates to help teachers get started with their own online research modules.
[ pour formateurs, un site pédagogique clé en main, pour faire réfléchir sur la construction d'une séquence]

Webmonkey for Kids (Blue Web'n Update 6/11/99)
If you want to teach kids HTML, here's a good starting point. Webmonkey for Kids includes HTML and Web design lessons, project ideas and templates, and even a guide for parents and teachers.
[ un site simple et clair, qui peut aussi être utile aux adultes qui débutent en HTML!]

Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web -- Smithsonian Institution Libraries ( The Scout Report June 11)
Compiled by S. Diane Shaw, Special Collections Cataloger at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, this site lists over 350 exhibitions on the Web created by all types of libraries from all over the US. The exhibitions cover a wide range of topics, from the history of the sugar trade at LSU to the Psychedelic Sixties at the University of Virginia (reviewed in the June 26th, 1998 Scout Report), with travel photographs from the Ohio Historical Society and a 1940 Tour of the Oregon Coast from the Oregon State Archives along the way. The unifying factor is that all the materials shown in the exhibitions are from library and archival collections; they are primarily
paper-based materials such as photographs, documents, book jackets and illustrations, postcards, prints, and posters.
[ beaucoup de documents bruts]

Other sites
Kids + Violence -- What You Can Do (wNetSchool Bulletin - Summer 1999)
In the wake of the massacre in Littleton, CO, newspapers, listservs, and television programs across the country have been trying to find ways to approach the topic of violence in school. The National PTA sponsors the Violence Kids Crisis site :
which addresses the issue from parents' and teachers' perspectives. PTA's list of "10 Things You Can Do" counsels parents on how to talk to their children about violence, how to get more involved in their children's lives, and how to make a difference in their community. Other PTA sections include :
Common Sense, which offers strategies for raising alcohol- and drug-free children.
PTA's Community Violence Prevention Kit, which helps parents and teachers organize community efforts and forums. The discussion section of the site allows parents across the country to talk to each other about violence.
[ un site de plus à ajouter à une liste déjà longue!]

PARENT TIME.......Get Ready for Fathers Day (Compass: The TIME 100 edition Tue, 8 Jun )
Send Dad an e-card, get great gift ideas, check out our book picks that you can order online, take our trivia quiz...and more!
[ désespérément grand public: évitez les conseils et mode d'emploi du nouveau père, voyez le quiz ou les suggestions de cadeaux (a new gas grill....)]

TIME DIGITAL......... Star Wars FX Whiz Dennis Muren Speaks Out (Compass: The TIME 100 edition Tue, 8 Jun )
He made E.T. fly. He created the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. And he has more Academy Awards than any other living person. Yet Dennis Muren of the special effects house Industrial Light and Magic remains unknown to most moviegoers. Now, as visual effects supervisor for Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, he takes on his biggest project ever.
[un article intéressant, mais vu le sujet, on aurait souhaité davantage d'illustrations et d'interactivité]

TIME ......... The TIME 100: Heroes and Icons (Compass: The TIME 100 edition Tue, 8 Jun )
In the fifth and final installment of the TIME 100 series, TIME Online presents an interactive look at the top 20 heroes and icons of the century. Hear Marilyn coo and Che deliver a speech. Read the profiles and take the quizzes. And don't miss the photo essays exhibiting some of the most important athletes, beautiful stars and important families of our time.
[ décevant pour Marilyn Monroe, intéressant pour Rosa Parks.... utilisable dès la 3ème]

Tate Gallery Online ( The Scout Report June 11)
The Tate Gallery in Great Britain, "home of the national collection of British art from the 16th century to the present day" now offers online browsing of its permanent collections. The Tate's collections include many famous works from the history of British art as well as international
modern art. After selecting Collections, users can choose from an alphabetical list of artists. Small squares indicate that an image is available. The Tate currently consists of three galleries, located in London, Liverpool, and St. Ives, and from the homepage visitors can discover "What's On" at each. There is also an evolving section on art projects at the Tate, currently featuring the Bankside Browser, a collaborative project that solicited artwork from artists in the Southwark Borough of London. The project inaugurates the new Tate Gallery of Modern
Art that will open in Bankside in 2000, and includes an exhibition archive of small works that can be viewed on the Web. [DS]
[ pour les amateurs d'art]

How Things Fly (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering June 9)
Provided by the National Air and Space Museum, this site allows users to visit the special exhibit How Things Fly. In How Do Things Fly? the following topics are discussed in a question and answer format: Can you fly?, Air is "stuff"!, Balloons, Animal flight, Airplanes, and Spacecraft.
The physics behind flight for each topic is at a general level, making this site an excellent source for K-12 education. Specific science activities, along with recommended reading, are found in the Resource Center. Additional links contain interesting comments and activities for particular
topics. [JJS]
[ pour classes scientifiques, une approche claire et simple, puis des explications avec divers niveaux de complexité]


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