bluestar.gif (929 octets)Christmasbluestar.gif (929 octets)

How Christmas works

Christmas around the world

Here is an article about Christmas around the world that was written by
Robin Nobles, an accomplished writer - with articles published on a wide range of topics:
[ site qui présente les traditions de Noël dans les différents pays du monde]
Christmas Around the World from The-North-Pole
[ des textes sur les traditions dans les différents pays.]
Christmas in New York 
[ pour voir les vitrines de Noël et les décorations à N.Y. ]

Christmas/Winter Celebrations

The History of Christmas An interesting history of the Christmas
celebration and its relationship to similar celebrations before the birth
of Christ. It also features some good Christmas background music. (Teacher Resource)

Christmas Celebrations A very rich site filled with activities,
songs, plays, etc., for the season. Gr K-8

BillyBear4Kids - Holiday Page A fun page for the kids (Gr. 2-5) to
visit and participate in fun filled activities relating to Christmas,
Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.

A Link to Christmas Crafts 23 holiday activities you can do with your Gr K-6 students

Celebrate Winter A wonderful site from Education World, with a
wealth of lesson plan ideas and resources. Too valuable to miss. Gr. K-8

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas A very nice teacher resource
offering screen savers, wallpaper, printable gift tags, and an impressive
list of links to related sites.

The Gift of the Magi Online version of O. Henry's classic story,
courtesy of the Gutenberg Project. An excellent feature is the linked net
dictionary to define difficult words. Gr 3-6

Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus The famous 1897 New York Sun
editorial answering Virginia's letter. Still touching after all these years. Gr 2-8

Carols and music

Christmas Carols
An interesting site that plays MIDI versions of Christmas Carols and provides the words online.
Good background music without going to the mall. Gr K-8

Christmas Music from
[ fichiers midi de musiques de Noël, sans paroles, pour illustrer vos pages. Bon son. My favorite is Jingle Bells Rock.]

Christmas Crafts This is a site you have to love, since it combines
recycling with art. The link below takes you to the TrashMatcher, where
trash is matched to an art project. I recommend the Luminary (Gr 3-8) and
the Origami Boxes (Gr 4-8), but there are plenty of others from which to
<>choose. Add this site to your Art bookmarks.


    Voici la vitrine en ligne du catalogue de Neiman Marcus. Un peu long à charger, mais c'est le prix du luxe!
Vous pourrez acheter en ligne une Mercédès rose pour votre enfant de 3 ans. A seulement $410 ! (gift and collectibles)

Online Shopping and Charities (from : [learn-net])
This holiday season, if you're planning to shop for gifts online, make a
difference with your wallet by using one of these sites as your shopping
directory. When you use one of these sites to access an online store, a
percentage of the money you spend will be donated to the charity of your
choice. [J'ai sélectionné pour vous dans la liste les sites les plus
lisibles ou interactifs, qui ne demandent pas d'enregistrement préalable et
présentent bien cette notion de 'Charity', si présente dans les pays anglo-saxons]

[ Dès la 4ème. Site bien fait, sans enregistrement préalable, qui renvoie
vers Amazon et eToys. On peut utiliser ce site pour faire découvrir aux
élèves ce phénomène nouveau qui consiste à acheter en ligne et choisir une
organisation caritative à laquelle un don sera envoyé pour chaque achat.]

[ pour lycée, pour faire pratiquer la même activité que ci-dessus en
autonomie (en salle ou labo multimédia, en espace langues, au CDI). Des
liens dès la page d'accueil permettent de considérer tous les aspects. Les
élèves produiront ensuite un compte rendu écrit ou oral]

My Cause
[ intéressant pour sa vaste liste interactive de 'Charities' ]

Christmas Stories
<>Santa's Secret Village @ North Pole (Cool Web Sightings - Issue #54)
<>[From the Website] Santa's Secret Village is full of original art,
<>animation and stories. The stories are all original works commissioned by
<> and each has a cheerful message. Santa's Mailroom is very
<>active during the holidays. You can send your Wish List to Santa and he
<>will write back to you! Mrs. Claus has lots of yummy recipes in her
<>cookbook. You can view and print recipes for breads, cakes, cookies,candy, pies and other treats.
<><>des histoires de Noël
<>et des recettes

Christmas stories from the White House
Listen to bedtime stories read from people from the White House! (barbara and Laura Bush, etc)

Videos for Christmas cooking from FoodTV (don't miss the cookies!)
Christmas on ( see roast turkey guide and cramberry recipes)
Gingerbread Lane (how to build a gingerbread house)
Christmas on (desserts, cookies and drinks)
[ see also the Home-Preserving How-To for chutney, pickles and jam ]

Entertaining tips on Virtual Christmas

Vegetarian Holiday recipes and tips to feed vegetarians

Christmas cards
BlackDog’s Christmas Cards


Christmas selection from Yahooligans!   
[ a tremendous page of links]
The Virtual Quincy Christmas directory
[ For more links (over 100) to Christmas related websites ]