bluestar.gif (929 octets)Resources for teachersbluestar.gif (929 octets)



The American Experience "America 1900"(PBS Teacher Previews: January 3-9, 2000)
At the comprehensive companion site, listen to audio clips of respected
historians on the economics, politics and culture of 1900, query a 1900
people and events database, peruse a timeline of the year, download
software to compile your family tree, and access classroom materials.
[utilisable dès la 4ème, 'Way back : US history for kids'
propose des pistes pour comparer les années1900 et maintenant. Pistes d'utilisation à :
Voir en particulier les prédictions :
pour présenter et faire manipuler l'irréel du passé (would have+Ven) en première]

What Happened On This Day (Teacher Stuff - December 30, 1999)
[informatif, mais trop riche et non hiérarchisé]

British History 1700-1900: Child Labour (LII> [LIIWEEK] December 27, 1999)
This site provides biographical sketches of, and interviews with,
reformers, supporters of child labor, and factory workers. Information is
also provided on tactics and issues in the factory reform movement,
statistics relating to child labour, and an explanation of the Factory Acts of 1802 through 1891.
[pour lycée, des documents d'époque, tirés de la littérature ou des
journaux, pour réaliser un dossier, en complément d'un roman de Dickens par exemple]

Time’s Online Magazine for Children (LII> [LIIWEEK] December 27, 1999)
[ Time For kids est une ressources précieuse en EFL car les textes sont
rédigés pour des enfants, en langage simple. dans le dernier numéro, voir :
'looking back at the 20th century', des textes courts sur les grands
moments, les grands hommes et les grandes découvertes du siècle.
'can you save a precious place?' : un concours de projets dans le cadre du
mois de l'environnement. Faites participer vos classes!

Treasure hunt in New York ( signalé par Jean Sahai)
chasse au trésor dans New York. Une fiche de travail proposée par une enseignante:
[ un site à noter : des pages en ligne du magazine 'Speakeasy' et surtout
'New Standpoints' un magazine pour les enseignants, avec beaucoup de
ressources et d'idées utiles, dont certaines disponibles en ligne. Vous
pouvez obtenir des spécimens gratuits. Voyez aussi leur liste de liens pour enseignants...]

Quest for a Pirate (TOP> [students] December 6th)
Information on some famous pirates and their lifestyle, treasure, maps,
weapons. An historical time line is included. (See also the CLN Pirates,
Privateers, and Buccaneers Theme Page at
--> )
[ ces adresses ont été ajoutées à la 'Pirates' webquest:
Ces adresses permettent d'enrichir ce thème que vous pouvez démarrer avec
le jeu vidéo 'Monkey Island' de Lucas Art, un jeu dont les élèves disent
qu'il leur a appris beaucoup d'anglais.]

A Virtual Tour of the Capitol (KIDS Report, december 22th 1999)
A virtual tour of the Capitol is a very interesting site. When you first
get on the site it shows you a picture of the Capitol building, and all of
the pictures on this site are very clear and colorful. Then it gives a
description of what the site is about. They also have a map that shows you
where you are in the Capitol. You go through the Capitol room to room, and
with each picture they give you some information about that area of the
Capitol building. This site also has links to other sites that work, load
quickly, and that are related to the site topic. The site also works with
Zoom Text "a large print program," and there are no fees. I think this site
would be very helpful to anyone who wants to learn about the Capitol or
just see some really great pictures.  Reviewed by Rasheemah B.

Welcome to the White House (KIDS Report, december 22th)
This website is well organized and provides a variety of information that
is well put together. It is very easy to get around from one area of the
site to the other. It also informs you of its purpose and it goes into a
detailed explanation about the contents of different areas of the webpage.
In addition, this page is very accessible with a text only option, and it
loads quickly. There are various links of interest to search for. Each page
contains lots of helpful and educational information, as well as
interesting pictures of the President, other people and the rooms at the
White House in vivid color. This website does not contain any sound. Some
pages within this site contain up-to-date information, such as important
changes being made by the President. The website is maintained by the Web
Development Team at the White House.  Reviewed by Saidah A.

NOVA "The Beast of Loch Ness" (PBS Teacher Previews: January 11-17)
Twenty-five years after their groundbreaking expedition to Loch Ness, NOVA joins two
American scientists as they return to Scotland with state-of-the-art sonar and
sensitive underwater camera equipment in an attempt to track down and identify the
elusive beast "Nessie." (CC, Stereo, 1 year) At the companion site, delve into the
legend's colorful history, including recent eyewitness stories, and find out why it may
be hasty to conclude the monster is mere fable.

Tobacco and your body (site recommandé par Jean Sahai)
[un poster à lire, imprimer, afficher dans la classe. Très efficace pour dissuader les élèves de fumer!
Pour enrichir le sujet, vous pouvez d'abord leur présenter ce shéma de la respiration:
Ces deux documents peuvent aussi être imprimés sur des transparents]

Women Today Online Magazine (STUFF> TeacherStuff - December 17)
[read in 'little know facts' : Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of
their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down -
hence the expression "to get fired."]

Barry’s Good Eating Tips for Children (STUFF> TeacherStuff - December 17)
[ un poster à imprimer et afficher: Barry’s Good Eating Tips for Children
-->   ]

Hollywood Online (STUFF> TeacherStuff - December 17)
[ pour retrouver les bandes annonces des films]

**Puzzlemaker - Discovery Channel School (submitted by Pat) (Cool Web
Sightings - Issue #54)
This is a great site one of the staff at my school gave me. It makes
terrific word search puzzles, with and without secret words, mazes,
crosswords, etc. It not just for teachers, as I would have given anything
for something like this (assuming there had been computers) over the
holidays when my children were young and at home. Think of the holiday
time a Mom and Dad could keep the children occupied-and teach words at the
same. Hope you will enjoy.
[ pour tous niveaux, un précieux outils pour fabriquer des grilles de mots
croisés de tout type, avec le vocabulaire de votre choix. Le site contient
aussi de très joli labyrinthes: à résoudre en utilisant des indications de
direction... ]

Crafts for Kids (Cool Web Sightings - Issue #54)
Another great site for kids is the Crafts for Kids site at A
comprehensive listing of links to various crafts sites for kids, such as
Christmas, Pokemon, winter, dinosaur, Kwanzaa and much more.
[ en collège, vous trouverez des idées de travaux manuels à réaliser en
anglais, à l'aide d'instructions simples et claires.
*Pour tous, un calendrier des jours à fêter en Janvier : ne manquez pas
Sherlock Holmes' birthday le 6 et Martin Luther King Day le 17:

Black History Inventors (STUFF> TeacherStuff - December 17)
[des textes courts et simples, à utiliser en février pour black history
month et inventor's day] (The Scout Report October 22)
The political season is, of course, already fast upon us, and
interested users will do well to add this new site to their list of
online political news sources. A rare example of a political site
created as a business venture, is designed to serve as a
central source for news and analysis of the US 2000 presidential
race. A clean and easily navigated site, is composed of
four major sections. The first contains smartly-packaged, if concise,
profiles of the leading candidates, including recent ratings,
fundraising vs. opponents, issue positions on several selected
topics, a very brief biographical sketch, last election results, and
voting record. A collection of campaign videos in RealPlayer format
is also available from the Candidates section. The Money section
contains a campaign finance primer, dollars raised by month, soft
dollar leader board, and search engines that allow users to search
for contributors in geographic areas or by name. The Polls section
features recent polling results on individual candidates and other
related issues, and the Directory is a collection of annotated
political links organized by topic. Additional resources at the site
include breaking news, recent opinion pieces, and a free email daily
briefing. [MD]
[ un site déjà conseillé sur cette liste, mais qui s'est encore étoffé. Pour lycée principalement]

***Nutrition Explorations (The Scout Report October 22)
This new site is compliments of the National Dairy Council and
provides resources to help educators teach children about nutritious
foods and a healthy diet. The site is made up of four principle
sections. The first, Teacher Central, contains monthly updated ideas
and activities for teaching nutrition, as well as annotated links and
suggested books. The second section, the School Cafe, is designed for
school foodservice professionals and includes promotion ideas,
nutrition facts, and links to related resources. The third portion of
the site, The Family Table, offers advice, activities, and tips for
parents who want to help their children develop healthy eating
habits. The final part of the site is aimed at kids themselves and
offers games, quizzes, recipes, and more sites to explore. While a
bit thin on content and probably dairy-centric, the site as a whole
does offer some useful tools for educators and parents who want to
instill healthy eating habits in children. [MD]
[ pour primaire et collège : deux recettes avec des fiches illustrée ne contenant qu'une phrase simple:
pour les plus grands, take the quizz and discuss the different ways of eating in France and in the US:
pour tous: un site interactif comme nous les aimons : ouvrez le frigidaire, cliquez sur les produits, et lisez les commentaire:
--> ]

The Digital Classroom (Education Site Reviews 10/15/99)
CONTENT: The Digital Classroom provides materials from the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and includes methods for
teaching with primary sources. The site is designed to encourage teachers
of students at all levels to use archival documents in the classroom.
The Digital Classroom is a treasure trove of primary source
teaching materials on American history. Choose from a wide selection of
topics, each with a set of documents and teaching activity guidelines. The
documents include photos, letters, official correspondence, and other
relevant materials. The teaching activities encourage critical thinking
skills, and further research into the subjects covered. Some of the topics
include the Amistad case, the woman suffrage movement, and WWII propaganda
posters. The site also features a section with resources for History Day
research and links to other NARA sites offering primary resources.
[pour lycée, des documents authentiques pour un travail sur dossier]

TOTS' TIME (BBC EON 22/10/1999 : Education Online Newsletter)
Tots' Time introduces pre-school kids to the basics of language, numbers and even science. Each day the site features offers a rhyme or a devilish tongue twister, which can be printed off and coloured in. And while that's going on, parents can read tips on further learning     activities.
[ pour travailler les sons, dès le primaire, mais aussi pour les plus grands. Le texte est prononcé, on peut le lire, puis le compléter. Exercices à faire à l'oral en classe entière. Voir par exemple 'a meal by the sea' pour prononcer 'beach' correctement!
Puis deux jeux pour s'entrainer, dont un 'drag and spell' intéressant.
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