We use a range of
electrophysiological, behavioral and anatomical techniques.
- Scanning electron-microscopy and light microscopy
are necessary to characterize sensilla to record. This is done outside of
the lab.
- Electrical activities from insect taste hairs are recorded by capping them
with a glass capillary electrode connected to a taste amplifier TastePROBE.
This is the main experimental technique we are using here.
- Electrophysiological data are interactively analyzed using custom program
dbWave. This program is written
in C++ under MFC.
- We use a range of behavioral observation chambers, with the support of
Simple behavioral observations are invaluable to help understanding how
antifeedant molecules are detected and how they impact on the feeding,
locomotory and oviposition behavior of our model insects.
- We also designed a specific technique to improve the
responses of olfactory receptors to GC effluents,
by puffing the output of the column onto the receptors instead of letting it
flow continuously.