
Frédéric Marion-Poll


  • AgroParisTech, Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, UFR Ecologie, Adaptations et Interactions, 16 rue Claude Bernard, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France
  • C.N.R.S., Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes et Spéciation UPR 9034 CNRS avenue de la Terrasse, Bâtiment 13, Boîte Postale 1, 91198 Gif sur Yvette France
  • Tel. : 01 6982 3756; Fax : +33 (0)1 6982 3736

Other :


Contact chemoreceptors of herbivorous insects play a crucial role in feeding and oviposition. Insects use them to detect molecules of nutritional value as well as potentially harmful molecules, most of which taste bitter to us. This task represents a challenge for taste neurons of all organisms, in terms of transduction, neural coding and detoxication. We currently address these questions on the model insect, Drosophila melanogaster.

Last revised:  janv. 20, 2014 .