Publications |
Yanagawa A, Guigue AM and Marion-Poll F (2014). Hygienic grooming is induced by contact chemicals in Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8,254. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00254
Rharrabe, K., E. Jacquin-Joly and F. Marion-Poll (2014). Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars to attractive and repellent plant volatiles. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2: 00005.
Alabi, T., Marion-Poll, F., Danho, M., Mazzucchelli, G.D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., and Francis, F. (2014). Identification of taste receptors and proteomic characterization of the antenna and legs of Tribolium brevicornis, a stored food product pest. Insect Molecular Biology 23, 1-12.
Sauvion, N., Calatayud, P.A., Thiéry, D., and Marion-Poll, F. (2013). Introduction. In Interactions insectes-plantes, N. Sauvion, P.A. Calatayud, D. Thiéry and F. Marion-Poll, eds. (Editions Quae & IRD), pp. 13-19.
Thiéry, D., Derridj, S., Calatayud, P.-A., Maher, N., and Marion-Poll, F. (2013). L'insecte au contact des plantes. In Interactions insectes-plantes, N. Sauvion, P.A. Calatayud, D. Thiéry and F. Marion-Poll, eds. (Editions Quae & IRD), pp. 347-368.
Calatayud, P.-A., Marion-Poll, F., and Thiéry, D. (2013). La réception sensorielle chez les insectes. In Interactions insectes-plantes, N. Sauvion, P.A. Calatayud, D. Thiéry and F. Marion-Poll, eds. (Editions Quae & IRD), pp. 137-149.
Sauvion, N., Calatayud, P.-A., Thiéry, D., and Marion-Poll, F. (2013). Interactions insectes-plantes, (Editions Quae & IRD).
Devambez, I., Ali Agha, M., Mitri, C., Bockaert, J., Parmentier, M.-L., Marion-Poll, F., Grau, Y., and Soustelle, L. (2013). Gao Is Required for L-Canavanine Detection in Drosophila. PLoS ONE 8, e63484.
Popescu A., Couton L., Almaas T-J., Rospars J-P., Wright G A., Marion-Poll F and Anton S. (2013) Function and central projections of gustatory receptor neurons on the antenna of the noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199: 403-416.
Piesik, D., Rochat, D., Delaney, K.J., and Marion-Poll, F. (2013). Orientation of European corn borer first instar larvae to synthetic green leaf volatiles. Journal of Applied Entomology Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 137, 234-240.
Soares, S. F., C. C. B. Louly, F. Marion-Poll, M. F. B. Ribeiro and L. M. F. Borges (2013). "Study on cheliceral sensilla of the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) (Acari: Ixodidae) involved in taste perception of phagostimulants." Acta Tropica 126(1): 75-83.
Ryuda M., Calas-List D., Yamada A., Marion-Poll F., Yoshikawa H., Tanimura T., Ozaki K. (2013) Gustatory sensing mechanism coding for multiple oviposition stimulants in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Journal of Neuroscience 33(3) 914-924.
Juma G., Thiongo M., Dutaur L., Rharrabe K., Marion-Poll F., Le Ru B., Magoma G., Silvain J.-F., Calatayud P.-A. (2013) Two sugar isomers influence host plant acceptance by a cereal caterpillar pest. Bulletin of Entomological Research 103(1): 20-28.
Poivet E., Rharrabe K., Monsempes C., Glaser N., Rochat D., Renou M., Marion-Poll F., Jacquin-Joly E. (2012) The use of sex pheromone as an evolutionary solution to food source selection in caterpillars. Nature Communications 3: 1047.
Soares, S.F., Louly, C.C.B., Neves, C.A., Marion-Poll, F., and Borges, L.M.F. (2012). Detection of phytoecdysteroids by gustatory sensilla on chelicerae of the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Physiological Entomology 37, 241-249.
Minoli S., Kauer I., Colson V., Party V, Renou M., Anderson P., Gadenne C., Marion-Poll F., Anton S. (2012) Brief exposure to sensory cues elicits stimulus-nonspecific general sensitization in an insect. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34141.
Ozaki K., Ryuda M., Yamada A., Utoguchi A., Ishimoto H., Calas D., Marion-Poll F., Tanimura T., Yoshikawa H. (2011) A gustatory receptor involved in host plant recognition for oviposition of a swallowtail butterfly. Nature Communications 2: 542.
Anton, S., C. Gadenne, Marion-Poll, F. (2011). "Frontiers in Invertebrate Physiology - grand challenge." Frontiers in Physiology 2: 38.
Salloum, A., Colson, V., Marion-Poll, F. (2011) Appetitive and aversive learning in Spodoptera littoralis larvae. Chemical Senses 36(8): 725-731.
Inoshita T., Martin J.-R., Marion-Poll F., Ferveur J.-F. (2011) Peripheral, central and behavioral responses to the cuticular pheromone bouquet in Drosophila melanogaster males. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19770.
Rharrabe, K., Sayah, F., Marion-Poll, F. (2011) - Gustatory perception of phytoecdysteroids in Plodia interpunctella larvae. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 138(1): 33-39.
Sellier M.-J., Reeb P., Marion-Poll F. (2011) - Consumption of bitter alkaloids in Drosophila melanogaster in multiple choice test conditions. Chemical Senses 36 (4): 323-334.
Wright G. A., Mustard J. A., Simcock N.K., Ross-Taylor A. A. R., McNicholas L. D., Popescu A., Marion-Poll F. (2010) - Parallel reinforcement pathways for conditioned food aversions in the honeybee. Current Biology 20 (24): 2234-2240.
Calas D., Marion-Poll F., Steinbauer, M. (2009) - Tarsal taste sensilla of the autumn gum moth, Mnesampela privata: morphology and electrophysiological activity. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 133 (2):186-192.
Piesik D., Rochat D., van der Pers J.N.C., Marion-Poll F. (2009) - Pulsed odors from maize or spinach elicit orientation in European corn borer neonate larvae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35 (9):1032-1042.
Meunier N., Marion-Poll F., Lucas P. (2009) - Water-taste transduction pathway is calcium-dependent in Drosophila. Chemical Senses 34 (5): 441-449.
Hiroi M., Tanimura T., Marion-Poll F. (2008) - Hedonic Taste in Drosophila Revealed by Olfactory Receptors Expressed in Taste Neurons. PLoS ONE 3 (7): e2610.
Jørgensen K, Almaas T J, Marion-Poll F, Mustaparta H. (2007) - Electrophysiological characterization of responses from gustatory receptor neurons of sensilla chaetica in the moth Heliothis virescens. Chemical Senses 32: 863-879. [pdf]
Lacaille F., Hiroi M., Twele R., Inoshita T., Umemoto D., Manière G., Marion-Poll F., Ozaki M., Francke W., Cobb M., Everaerts C., Tanimura T., Ferveur J.-F. (2007) - An inhibitory sex pheromone tastes bitter for Drosophila males. PLoS ONE 2 (7):e661.
Calas, D., Berthier, A., Marion-Poll, F. (2007) - Do females of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, detect and avoid laying eggs on 20-hydroxyecdysone? Journal of Chemical Ecology 33 (7): 1393-1404. [pdf]
Calatayud, P.-A., Chimtawi, M., Tauban, D., Marion-Poll, F., Le Rü, B., Silvain, J.-F., Frérot, B. (2006) - Sexual dimorphism of antennal, tarsal and ovipositor chemosensilla in the African stemborer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 42 (3-4) 403-412. [pdf]
Calas, D., Thiéry, D., Marion-Poll, F. (2006) - 20-Hydroxyecdysone deters oviposition and larval feeding in the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32 (11): 2443-2454. [pdf]
Malausa, T.,Sallesa, M., Marqueta, V. Guillemauda, T., Alla, S., Marion-Poll, F., Lapchin, L. (2006) - Within-species variability of the response to 20-hydroxyecdysone in peach–potato aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer). Journal of Insect Physiology 52(5): 480-486. [pdf]
Hiroi M., Meunier N., Marion-Poll F., Tanimura T. (2004) - Two Antagonistic Gustatory Receptor Neurons Responding to Sweet-Salty and Bitter Taste in Drosophila. Journal of Neurobiology 61(3): 333-342. [pdf]
Degen, T., Dillmann C., Marion-Poll F., Turlings T. (2004) - High genetic variability of herbivore-induced volatile emission within a broad range of maize inbred lines. Plant Physiology 135 (4): 1928-1938. [pdf]
Meunier N., Marion-Poll F., Lansky P., Rospars J.-P. (2003) - Estimation of the individual firing frequencies of two neurons recorded with a single electrode. Chemical Senses 28 (8): 671-679. [pdf]
Meunier N., Marion-Poll F., Rospars J.-P., Tanimura T. (2003) - Coding of bitter taste in Drosophila. Journal of Neurobiology 56 (2) 139-152. [pdf]
Hiroi M., Marion-Poll F., Tanimura T. (2002) - Differentiated response to sugars among labellar chemosensilla in Drosophila. Zoological Science 19 (9) 1009-1018. [pdf]
Marion-Poll F., Descoins C. (2002) - Taste detection of phytoecdysteroids in larvae of Bombyx mori, Spodoptera littoralis and Ostrinia nubilalis. Journal of Insect Physiology 48 (4) 467-476. [pdf]
Grosmaitre X., Marion-Poll F., Renou M. (2001) - Biogenic Amines Modulate Olfactory Receptor Neurons Firing Activity in Mamestra brassicae. Chemical Senses 26: 653-661. [pdf]
Burguière L., Marion-Poll F., Cork A. (2001) - Electrophysiological responses of female Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae) to synthetic host odours. Journal of Insect Physiology 47: 509-514. [pdf]
Meunier N., Ferveur J.F.F., Marion-Poll F. (2000) - Sex-specific non-pheromonal taste receptors in Drosophila. Current Biology 10 (24): 1583-1586. [pdf]
Descoins C.L., Marion-Poll F. (1999) - Electrophysiological responses of gustatory sensilla of Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) larvae to three phytoecdysteroids: ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone and ponasterone A. Journal of Insect Physiology 45: 871-876. [pdf]
Mondy N., Ustache K., Darazy-Choubaya D., Marion-Poll F., Corio-Costet M.-F. (1999) - Effets de l'ingestion de Serratula tinctoria sur Lobesia botrana (Denis et Schiffer-Müller): développement et réponses gustatives. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 35: 517-520.
Gouinguené S., de Cruz I., van der Pers J.N.C., Wadhams L., Marion-Poll F. (1998) - New method to improve olfactory responses to GC effluents. Chemical Senses 23: 647-652.
Vallet A.M, Marion-Poll F., Keller J.M., Trabalon M. (1998) - Preliminary electrophysiological study of the contact chemoreceptors in a spider, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie, 321: 463-469. [pdf]
Thiéry D., Suchy V., Marion-Poll F. (1998) - Electroantennogram responses of Douglas-fir seed chalcids to plant volatiles. Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 483-490. [pdf]
Blight M.M, Le Métayer M., Pham-Delègue M.-H., Pickett J.A., Marion-Poll F., Wadhams L.J. (1997) - Identification of floral volatiles involved in recognition of oilseed rape flowers, Brassica napus by honeybees, Apis mellifera. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23: 1715-1727.
Le Métayer M., Marion-Poll F., Sandoz J.C., Pham-Delègue M.-H., Blight M.M., Wadhams L.J., Masson C., Woodcock C.M. (1997) - Effect of conditioning on discrimination of oilseed volatiles by the honeybee : use of a combined gas chromatography - proboscis extension behavioural assay. Chemical Senses 22: 391-398. [pdf]
Pham-Delègue M.-H., Blight M.M., Kerguelen V., Le Métayer M., Marion-Poll F., Sandoz J.C., Wadhams L.J. (1997) - Discrimination of oilseed rape volatiles by the honeybee: combined chemical and biological approaches. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 83: 87-92. [pdf]
Jactel H., Kleinhentz M., Marpeau-Bezard A., Marion-Poll F., Menassieu P., Burban C. (1996) - Terpene variations in maritime pine constructive oleoresin related to host tree selection by Dioryctria sylvestrella Ratz. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 22: 1037-1050.
Marion-Poll F., Thiéry D. (1996) - Dynamics of EAG responses to host plant volatiles delivered by a gas chromatograph. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80: 120-123.
* Marion-Poll F. (1996) - Display and analysis of electrophysiological data under MS-Windows™. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80: 116-119. [pdf]
Marion-Poll F., Van der Pers J. (1996) - Un-filtered recordings from insect taste sensilla. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80: 113-115. [pdf]
* Marion-Poll F. (1995) - Object-oriented approach to fast display of electrophysiological data under MS-Windows™. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 63: 197-204. [pdf]
Wadhams L.J., Blight M.M., Kerguelen V., Le Métayer M., Marion-Poll F., Masson C., Pham-Delègue M.-H., Woodcock C. M. (1994) - Discrimination of oilseed rape volatiles by honey bee: novel combined gas chromatographic-electrophysiological behavioral assay. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20: 3221-3231.
Gabel B., Marion-Poll F., Suchy V., Roehrich R., Hradsky P., Thiery D. (1994) - Olfactory responses of Lobesia botrana females (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to Tanacetum vulgare (Asteraceae) flower extracts and fractions. Entomological Problems 25: 1-9. [pdf]
Marion-Poll F., Tobin T.R. (1992) - Temporal coding of pheromone pulses and trains in Manduca sexta. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 171: 505-512.
Gabel B., Thiéry D., Suchy V., Marion-Poll F., Hradsky P., Farkas P. (1992) - Floral volatiles of Tanacetum vulgare L., attractants to Lobesia botrana Den. et Schiff. females. Journal of Chemical Ecology 18: 693-701.
Marion-Poll F., Guillaumin D., Masson C. (1992) - Sexual dimorphism of tarsal receptors and sensory organization of the female ovipositor in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. Cell and Tissue Research 267: 507-518.
Bakchine-Huber E., Marion-Poll F., Pham-Delègue M.-H., Masson C. (1991) - Real-time detection and analysis of the exploratory behavior of small animals. Naturwissenschaften 79: 39-42 [pdf]
Marion-Poll F., Tobin T.R. (1991) - Software filter for detecting spikes superimposed on a fluctuating baseline. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 37: 1-6.
Lupoli R., Marion-Poll F., Pham-Delègue M.-H., Masson C. (1990) - Effet d'émissions volatiles de feuilles de maïs sur les préférences de ponte chez Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Compte Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences: 311, Série III, 225-230.
Marion-Poll F., Della Giustina W., Mauchamp B. (1987) - Electrical activities associated with feeding in a leafhopper (Zyginidia scutellaris H.-S.). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 43: 115-124.
Marion-Poll F., Dinan L., Lafont R. (2004) - The role of phytoecdysteroids in the control of phytophagous insects. In: "Biopesticides of Plant Origin", Regnault-Roger C., Philogène B., Vincent C. (eds), Editions Tech & Doc, Paris, pp 87-103.
Marion-Poll F., Dinan L., Lafont R. (2003) - In: "Biopesticidas de origen vegetal", Philogène B., Vincent C. (eds), Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, (2003), pp 100-106.
Marion-Poll F., Dinan L., Lafont R. (2002) - La place des phytoecdystéroïdes dans la lutte contre les insectes phytophages. In: "Biopesticides d'origine végétale", Regnault-Roger C., Philogène B., Vincent C. (eds), Editions Tech & Doc, Paris, pp 97-113.
Schiestl F.P., Marion-Poll F. (2002) - Detection of physiologically active compounds emitted from flowers by gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection. In: Jackson, J.F., Linskens, H.F. (eds.) Molecular Methods of Plant Analysis Volume 21, pp 171-198. [pdf]
Lafont R., Harmatha J., Marion-Poll F., Dinan L., Wilson I.D. (2003) - The Ecdysone Handbook (3rd Edition, 2002),