Migration of Gaston




Probably at the reverse of the general believing the surname Gaston is not so common in France. Only 500 families (if we consider one family for each four Gaston connected to phone) are called Gaston.

When the given name became surname in XIII century in France. It seems that not many branches appeared. Actually in France we evaluate at 3 or 4 the different branches. Others branches are today disappeared. Beginning of all the Gaston branches are all located in South of France. Today the maxim on density of this surname can be observed in the Midi Aquitaine (61 families) and Pyrenees (80 families).


Spanish migration


From Spanish side there is about 200familes principally in south Pyrenees and especially in Navarre (39 families). In south of Spain this surname is practically unknown.

The first Gaston came from France and are censed since 1495 in Anso (Aragon), and in the Roncal valley (Navarre). Despite the antic presence of Gaston in Spain, etymologists do not consider it as Spanish surname.

From Spain various branches went to Latin America, especially Mexico.


Migration to Scotland and later to Ulster


The migrations of one person named Jean GASTON to Scotland (1620) and later to Ulster (1640) constitute the origin of to branches, one Scottish, the second one Irish.


This Jean GASTON is born in 1600 somewhere in France; he is dead in Scotland or Ireland around 1670. He seems to have had four children.


William born in 1642 in Scotland

John born in 1645 in Scotland and dead in Ireland.

Alexander born 1648 in Scotland and dead in Ireland




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