
« Contrary to what we might think, our surname doesn't belong to us. More than just a signature at the bottom of a document, it's a token of our debt to time, a symbol of our identity rooted in the depths of history, the proof and evidence of our earthly existence, the awareness of our uniqueness and the product of a thousand selves. »

This website presents data collected concerning the Gaston familly :


What's new

December 2, 2008

- There are now 13 members in the Gaston DNA project, of which 10 descend from an Ulster patriarch and 3 represent separate French lineages.
- The 3 French Gastons (from Cantal, Landes and Ariège) are in different genetic groups and are not recently related to the Ulster Gastons..
- There are interesting DNA links between the Ulster Gastons and people who believe their ancestors were Irish chieftains, but this is not supported by documentation.
- The DNA results are causing us to question some of our individual pedigrees.
- Our attempts to find our French roots have not been successful so far.
- We need more male Gaston participants!

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