Index of names beginning with

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Others

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× McLURE, William
?, Agnes
× ADAMS, John
, Alice
× GASTON of Couckfeild, John
?, Alice
?, Catherine
× Mc GHEE, James
?, Charity
× CHEESEMAN, William
, Dorothie
× GARSTON of Couckfeild, John
?, Elizabeth
× STRONG, James
?, Elizabeth
× KIRKPATRICK, Alexander
?, Elizabeth( - †before 1762 )
× GASTON, William
?, Esther
× MILLER, Alexander
?, Jane
× GASTON, William
?, Jane( °1764 - †04 October 1838 Fishing Creek, Chester Co, , S.C. )
× McLURE, Hugh
?, Jane
× GASTON, John
, Jane
× GASTON of Couckfeild, William
?, Jannett
× GASTON, Robert
?, Jennet( °1698 ?County Antrim, Northern Ireland, , , - †01 August 1777 Bedminster Twp., Somerset Co., NJ, , )
× 1718 GASTON, Hugh "of New Jersey"
?, Joanna( °Ireland, , , , - )
× O'CONNOR, James
?, Karen
× CHANDLER, Stephen
?, Katie
× GASTON, Herbert Brownell
?, Lillan
× BEST, Elwood Robert
?, Lydia
× McClain, Charles
?, Lydia( °about 1764 - †after 1842 )
× CHEESEMAN, William
?, Lydia( °1783 New Jersey, , , , - )
× GASTON, William
?, Margaret( °1705 - †31 August 1795 )
× 1725 GASTON, Joseph "of New Jersey"
, Margaret
?, Mary( °Scotland, , , , - )
× THOMPSON, Alexander
?, Mary( °about 1671 - †about 1760 )
× COX, Thomas
?, Mary
× SLOAN, William
?, Mary
× GASTON, Robert H
?, Mary
× GASTON, Mattew Jr
?, Mary
× PERDUE, Eziekiel
?, Mary( °about 1712 of Anne Arundel, Maryland, , , - †after 21 December 1793 Rowan, North Carolina, , , )
× 1729 ESTEP, Thomas
?, Mary A.
× GASTON, Junior M.
?, Morgan
× GASTON, Robert
?, Nancy( °17 June 1785 York Co., SC, , , - †02 July 1862 Columbus, Lowndes Co., MS, , )
× GASTON, Unknown
?, Nancy Ann( °18 December 1752 - )
× GASTON, Daniel
?, Rosa
?, Sharon
× WASSOM, Male
?, Young Jeane
× 1610 GAWSTOUN, George

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