Université de Perpignan

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  2. .F. Rastier, Sur la semantique des reseaux, Quaderni di Semantica III (1), 115-131 (1987).

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  5. .D.J. Israel, Interpreting networks formalisms, Computers and Mathematics with Applications9 (1), 1-13 (1983).

  6. .J. Buchler, Philosophical Writings of Peirce, Dover Publications, (1955).

  7. .R. Marty, L'Algébre des Signes, John Benjamins B.V., Amsterdam, Philadelphia, (1990).

  8. .C.S. Peirce, Collected Papers, Harvard University Press, (1931); New Elements of Mathematics(Edited by C. Eisele), Mouton, The Hague, (1976); Microfilmed Manuscripts,Harvard Library, (1958).

  9. .J.F. Sowa, Conceptual Structures, Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass., (1984).

  10. . J. Adamek, Theory of Mathematical Structures, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, (1983).

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  13. . J.P. Changeux, L'Homme Neuronal, Fayard, Paris, (1983).

  14. . R. Jackendoff, Consciousness and the Computational Mind, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., (1987).

  15. . C.S. Peirce, The Categories, in MS 717; Art. 1 and Art. 2, published in The New Elements of Mathematics, Vol. 4, (Edited by C. Eisele), Mouton, The Hague, page 307, (1976).

  16. . H.G. Herzberger, Peirce's Remarkable Theorem, Pragmatism and Purpose, pp. 41?58, University of Toronto Press, Canada, (1981).

  17. . R.W. Burch, A Peircian Reduction Thesis and the Foundations of Topological Logic, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, Texas (to appear).

  18. . W.V.O. Quine, Reduction to a dyadic predicate, Selected Logic Papers, Random House, New York, (1954).

  19. . J. Brunning, Genuine triads and teridentity (to appear).

  20. . K.L. Ketner, Most lucid and interesting paper, an introduction to cenopythagoreanism, International Philosophical Quarterly XXVI (4), 375?392 (1986).

  21. . D.S. Touretzky, The Mathematics of Inheritance Systems, Pitman, London, (1986).

  22. . R. Wille, Sur la fusion des contextes individuels, Revue de Mathematiques et Sciences Humaines (85), 57?71 (1984).

  23. . R. Marty, The category of relational structures as foundations of Peirce's phenomenology and semiotics (to appear) .

  24. . M. Chein, Algorithme de recherche des sous?matrices premieres d'une matrice, Bull. Math. R.S. Roumanie (13) (1969).

  25. . G. Fay, An algorithm for finite Galois connections, Journal of Computational Langages (10), 99?123 (1975).

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  27. . E.M. Norris, An algorithm for computing the maximal rectangles in a binary relation, Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pares et Appliquees 23 (2), 243?250 (1978).

  28. . C.S. Hardwick, Ed., Semiotics and Signifies: The Correspondence between C.S. Peirce and Lady Victoria Welby, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, (1977).