
Commercial Name: Umbila

Scientific Name. Pterocarpus angolensis

Other Names: Kiaat

A precious African hardwood from Mozambique, Umbila is also used as a substitute for Teak.

Pinkish-brown heartwood. Lustrous. Grain straight undulating or interlocked.

Umbila is very durable, resistant to attacks from insects, fungus and marine borers. Dries very well. Very easy to to saw and plane. Can be easily nailed or screwed. Works to a good finish. Glues well. Takes a high polish and varnish.

Umbila is an excellent timber used mainly for furniture, joinery and decorative veneer. Also suitable for general construction work and for marine uses.

If you would like to have more information about Umbila and/or pricing, please contact us.

SAFI Sarl 13 Rue Gambetta, 64200 Biarritz - France - Tel. +33 559 22 09 05 Fax. +33 559 22 15 19