Step30 – Paradox Menu – 1990

From the crack group «M.A.D», «Paradox» was born. My friend Intox joined it as swapper and ask me to create one menu for his compilations. I worked with Kreator.

Sources and data:

I’m not sure how much compilation Intox released using this menu, but 3 can be found on internet:
Intox Compilation 01
Intox Compilation 02
Intox Compilation 33

Here are video capture of compil numer 2 and number 33. The musics are different.


Keator did a really good job on that intro. I like the font and the lady bug animation. It was the first time I fully worked with him.

The small ladybug is a reference to comic book author «Gotlib».


As Johnny-B left, I seek for a new musician. When I met T.S.F member and specially Gilles «Aces», I also met Laurent «Tebirod» at the same time. He wrote me some musics and one of the first is the music from that demo.

You can find it there: litlzic1 (25 Kb)
Music (second version): Beat The Ice (28Kb)

By the way «Tebirod» is french (backward) for «Golden dick»!


Here is the source code: COMPIL36.S
Very clean. Sorry comments in french

The small font is hardcoded inside the source code. Check at end of source code. Very handy to have small font this way, easy to display (1 letter = 8 bytes). 8×8 pixels.
I like this one.

dc.b $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; Space
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dc.b $00,$00,$7f,$03,$1f,$03,$7f,$00 ; 3
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dc.b $70,$70,$70,$70,$7f,$73,$7f,$00 ; 6
dc.b $00,$00,$7f,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03 ; 7
dc.b $00,$00,$7f,$73,$7f,$73,$7f,$00 ; 8
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dc.b $00,$00,$fe,$03,$7e,$73,$7e,$00 ; B
dc.b $00,$00,$3f,$70,$70,$70,$3f,$00 ; C
dc.b $00,$00,$fe,$03,$73,$73,$7e,$00 ; D
dc.b $00,$00,$ff,$00,$7f,$70,$7f,$00 ; E
dc.b $00,$00,$7f,$00,$7f,$60,$60,$00 ; F
dc.b $00,$00,$3f,$70,$73,$73,$3f,$00 ; G
dc.b $00,$00,$73,$73,$7f,$73,$73,$70 ; H
dc.b $00,$00,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$00 ; I
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dc.b $00,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$7f,$00 ; L
dc.b $00,$00,$63,$77,$7f,$6b,$63,$60 ; M
dc.b $40,$60,$73,$7b,$7f,$77,$73,$01 ; N
dc.b $00,$00,$fe,$03,$63,$63,$3e,$00 ; O
dc.b $00,$00,$fe,$03,$7e,$70,$70,$00 ; P
dc.b $00,$00,$3e,$63,$63,$6f,$3e,$03 ; Q
dc.b $00,$00,$fe,$03,$7e,$66,$63,$00 ; R
dc.b $00,$00,$0f,$1c,$1c,$1c,$f8,$00 ; S
dc.b $00,$00,$ff,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$00 ; T
dc.b $00,$00,$73,$73,$73,$73,$3e,$00 ; U
dc.b $00,$00,$73,$73,$73,$3e,$1c,$00 ; V
dc.b $03,$03,$63,$6b,$7f,$77,$63,$00 ; W
dc.b $00,$00,$73,$73,$3e,$73,$73,$00 ; X
dc.b $00,$00,$73,$73,$7f,$1c,$1c,$1c ; Y
dc.b $00,$00,$ff,$0e,$1c,$38,$7f,$00 ; Z
dc.b $00,$3c,$38,$38,$38,$38,$38,$3c ; [
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dc.b $00,$3c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$3c ; ]
dc.b $00,$18,$3c,$7e,$18,$18,$18,$18 ; HARROW UP
dc.b $00,$00,$10,$3f,$7f,$3f,$10,$00 ; HARROW LEFT

I did not found the name of that font. I can show the tool used to draw them. It is called «power font 8»

I also released another intro for Paradox. In fact it was the same as the «T.S.F» with another logo.

I remember the first time I presented that intro to one paradox member, he sent it to one of his contact in the USA (using old modem, took long time 🙂 ). I remember well what his friend said: «Hey, this is a fucking PAL intro !!!». In fact it was the first time I discovered that USA was using different resolution as Europe. All my demos have been done to work in 320×256 (PAL). So I recoded the intro to fit the NTSC resolution (something like 320×220). This is why you can see black at the bottom of the screen.

Nice demo of that time:

Copper master - Nov 1990

Demo by Angels. I often met Corsair (coder) and his brother Mr Video (Art) in mettings or demo party. This prod is a real nice one.

Cryptoburners – The hunt for seven october – Oct 1990

I really love the music of that demo (the demo is also great). Module is named «klisje paa klisje» by Walkman surely one of the best module done on Amiga.

Step29 Step31