Step40: Bitmap Font

Bitmap Fonts

As you’ve already understood, on Amiga the fonts were drawn by hand in a bitmap. Vector font did not exist and we usually did not used proportionnal font. So generally, fonts were drawn on a grid. For example 8×8 pixels, or 16×16 or 32×32. The size was a multiple of 16 to allow blitter copy.

Some productions used proportionnal fonts and exotic sizes.

The best one

Here is (from my point of view), one of the best font drawn on Amiga: From artist « Rack« . 1991 (Hungary).

The font have been used in a demo called « Ray of Hope 2 » by the group « Majic 12 ».

Here is the demo:

Fonts samples

I got one archive with some font. Here is the link: (2MB, 328 Fonts).

Here are some examples: (Old fashion style)

You can find much more fonts on Carsten Cumbrowski page: HERE

Step39 Step41