
The official site :
this is the official web of the Star Wars films. We can find everything we like. All kinds of information about the scenario , the actors or the starships , we can download some scenes from the making of every star wars film. There is a shop in which we can buy books, toys and a lot of other things. It is very rich and there are lots of news on all the films of the saga.

the most recent film :

the news (critics, articles, rumors...) about Star Wars, day by day....

an online exhibition about "the Magic of Myth" from the National US Air and Space Museum

Young Jedi :
Little games to test our knowledge about starwars. A web page which sumarizes skywalker's life

Lucas Film :
the official website of the Lucas Film Company. A curiosity to see, surprisingly old and non-interactive...


Lucas Arts :
The official site of video games. My favorite is X-Wing Rogue Squadron... Challenge the imperial forces with all The spaceship from rebel alliance... You can flight the millenium falcon!

Role playing games :
for the fans : role playing games to buy, goodies and others
the association :

Online role playing game :
This is the site of the new mass online role playing game on Starwars. You are an inhabitant of the Starwar Galaxy, you can play the role of any alien or human and interact with other players.

Wizards of the coast :
It is the page from the site wizards of the coast ( "magic : L'assemblée " ). We can find the latest news about the role playing game or the books

Starwars Card Games :
this is the official site of the Star War card games. This game is not very famous but this site allow you to order or see most of the cards in this game. In this game, we can choose to play on the Empire's side or with the Rebels . We play with the characters from the film, the starships and different other items and that’s very funny when we know the universe of the film.


Page réalisée par Martin en 2000, puis remise à jour par Thibaut en 2002
élèves au lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France