INFONEWS n°31 du 04/04/99

    Cette semaine, trois dossiers principaux : 'Fairy tales', 'Native
American resources' et 'Time' , plus quelques autres découvertes, et deux
articles sur l'internet : les virus et les 'chats' (dealing with chatting,
not cats!)


Fairy tales
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales and Stories (TOP> [students] RELEASE #
78: THIS WEEK'S TOP 8 Tue, 30 Mar)
Stories and Fairy Tales Theme Page
Break Loose with Mother Goose ( CLN UPDATE for Monday, March 29)
Medieval times
Castles of Britain ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
MEDIEVAL ACTIVITY CENTRE (BUSY> April Busy Educator's Newsletter)
Surfing with the Bard (LESSONS> Lesson Stop * March 29)
Native American resources
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet (KIDS> The KIDS Report
-- March 30)
Index of the North American Indian (KIDS> The KIDS Report -- March 30)
Tribe Finder (KIDS> The KIDS Report -- March 30)
Reviewing time with the song: 'rock around the clock' (from the Internet
TESL journal)
How Time Works (What's New at How Stuff Works, 4/4/99)
Daylight Saving Time Begins April 4 in U.S. (GEO> Geography Newsletter -
March 29)
Sites to use with the pupils
how to eat with chopsticks (KLICKS> Monday's Kid Klicks! - Learn2 March 29)
Surfing Side By Side (FLYER> TLC School Classroom Flyer, Mar-28)
THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE "Riding the Rails" (PBS Previews: March 29-April 4)
The Underground Railroad ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
Capital Punishment ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
Lesson plans
This week's (4 April 1999) free Instant Lesson (From: "English To Go Team")
Newsweek Education Program (FLYER> TLC School Classroom Flyer, Mar-30-99)
Internet School Library Media Center ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
How Computer Viruses Work (What's New at How Stuff Works, 4/4/99)


Fairy tales
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales and Stories (TOP> [students] RELEASE #
78: THIS WEEK'S TOP 8 Tue, 30 Mar)
Here are the texts of dozens of Andersen classics, complete with century-old
graphics by the Danish artists chosen by the author to illustrate the
collected Danish editions of his stories.
[Suivant L'exposé de Mme Lang , IA/IPR de Rouen au CRDP le 31/03/99, un
site avec les textes et illustrations des contes d'Andersen. Dès le collège]

Stories and Fairy Tales Theme Page
I found this site from British Columbia's Community Learning Network. A
precious theme page on Fairytales!
[tous niveaux, des textes électroniques, des plans de cours...]

Break Loose with Mother Goose ( CLN UPDATE for Monday, March 29)
A five day teaching unit for pre-primary students where Mother Goose Rhymes
are used to integrate math and science concepts with literature.
[dès le collège]


Medieval times
Castles of Britain ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
This site provides information on many aspects of castles in
Great Britain including how they were built, why they
declined, dungeons, weapons for besieging, and more.
There are images and ground plans for some, information
about what life in a castle was like, as well as, types of jobs
available in that time. The Map Room lists the names of
castles in Wales, Scotland, England, and Ireland. The
Castle Learning Center is provided to "encourage students
of all ages to explore castles." Additionally, there is a list of
organizations involved in castle preservation, a list of castles
said to be inhabited by ghosts, a glossary, and related links.
[lycée, quelques images, beaucoup de texte]

MEDIEVAL ACTIVITY CENTRE (BUSY> April Busy Educator's Newsletter)
Pat Elliott offers the following medieval resources at her site:
1. General Information
2. Music / Entertainment
3. Games / Entertainment
4. Clothing / People
5. Medicine / People
6. Religion / People
7. Cathedrals and Architecture
8. Castles and Medieval Buildings
9. Knights / Armour / Weapons
10. Foods & Feasting / Festivals
[all about Middle Ages, pour les passionnés, un site informatif et bien fait]

Surfing with the Bard (LESSONS> Lesson Stop * March 29)
This is such a fun site! For teachers, it includes lesson plans for
many of Shakespeare's plays, links to Shakespeare's works online, and a
discussion group. The Student Zone includes Shakespeare 101: A
Students' Guide, A Midsummer Night's Dream Guide, a Shakespeare Photo
Album, a short biography, and a link to Hamlet's Home Page (click on the
pictures next to the descriptions). There are more excellent resources
here, but you'll have to discover them for yourself :-)
[lycée, pour les sections L]


Native American resources
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet (KIDS> The KIDS Report
-- March 30)
This huge index is a great website for and about Native Americans. It was
developed for educational purposes by one person who has a personal
interest in the topic. This site will give you a lot of information about
Native Americans. When you first get into this site it gives you many
choices. The Galleries section is aimed at people who plan to buy Native
art. A good place to go is Culture. Culture is organized by tribe and area,
but also includes a search engine so you can search for information about
specific tribes. Another useful link is museums. This link gives a list of
links to Native American museums in the United States. (Reviewed by Brianna
[enseignants et lycée]

Index of the North American Indian (KIDS> The KIDS Report -- March 30)
The information in this website was gathered from Edward Curtis' life work,
_The North American Indian_, between 1890 and 1930, a 20 volume
publication. In each volume there are three to eight tribes, such as
Mohave, Maricopa, Qahatika, Pima, Papago, Yumma, Mountain Yumma, Apache,
Jicarilla, Navajo, and more. The greatest thing about this site is that you
can find information about language, dress, culture, religion, quotes,
dwellings, etc. for all the tribes listed. There are also pictures in this
site...and a lot of them! This is an excellent site to use because there
are so many different tribes and there is so much information about each
tribe. It's fun and easy to use. I would recommend this site to anyone in
fifth grade and up. (Reviewed by Jaime N.)
[enseignants et lycée]

Tribe Finder (KIDS> The KIDS Report -- March 30)
The Tribe Finder home page is a large map with many tribes listed. Click on
the name of the tribe you want to learn about and then click on the
specific area you're interested in, and the Tribe Finder will list possible
sites for that tribe. Some of the sites may be about tribal history and
tribal culture. Tribe Finder is a great source for people looking for
information about Native American tribes. The Tribe Finder gives people a
lot of sites with information on the tribe that they may need for a school
project or just for fun! The Tribe Finder is slow to load on a Mac 5200. I
recommend this site for grades three and up. (Reviewed by Brianna M.)
[superbe! une carte avec toutes les réserves et zones des indiens, des
ressources très riches, pour les élèves de lycée et les enseignants]


Reviewing time with the song: 'rock around the clock' (from the Internet
TESL journal)
[dès le collège, pour revoir les heures]

How Time Works (What's New at How Stuff Works, 4/4/99)
In the United States, today marks the return of Daylight-Saving Time. Have
you ever wondered why we do that??? There are also a number of questions
that show up regularly in the question box, like: Why are there 24 hours
in a day or 60 minutes in an hour? Why do the days of the week have
such funny names? Same for months of the year? Why are there 12 months
in a year? Why does a leap day get added to February rather than at the
end of the year? Why do the number of days in the months follow no
pattern? Why do we have leap years? What does AM and PM mean and why
do we have them? What does AD and BC mean? What year was Jesus really
born in? Why do we have time zones? What does GMT mean? If you have ever
wondered about our weird system of time and dates, then this article
is for you!

Daylight Saving Time Begins April 4 in U.S. (GEO> Geography Newsletter -
March 29)
On April 4 at 2 a.m., Americans "spring forward" one hour in observance of
Daylight Saving Time (notice that there is no "s" at the end of "saving")
Learn more about DST at
[pour enseignants, informations about time zones in the US]


Sites to use with the pupils
how to eat with chopsticks (KLICKS> Monday's Kid Klicks! - Learn2 March 29)
And, here's directions for learning how to eat with chopsticks:
[dès le collège, distrayant, de bons dessins!]

Surfing Side By Side (FLYER> TLC School Classroom Flyer, Mar-28)
Murray Nicholson teaches internet courses to kids and teens as
part of a continuing education program in Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. Surfing Side By Side is one of the resources he has
developed, and it's used by teachers across North America for
"rainy day recess" activities and for school computer clubs.
( Submitted by: Murray Nicholson)
[pour collège, voir le site de Mr Bean :   et ses
lettres à la reine et au président des Etats Unis]

THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE "Riding the Rails" (PBS Previews: March 29-April 4)
All aboard for this companion site that tells the
little-known stories of the tens of thousands of
teenagers who hopped freight trains in search of
better lives after the Great Depression. Read candid
letters from men who reflect upon this time, listen to
American folk tunes of the era, trace teens' journeys
with maps of two of the major rail lines of the day,
and more.
[dès la 4ème, voir en particulier les récits à : ]

The Underground Railroad ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
This National Geographic Online feature explores the
system (which existed prior to and during the American
Civil War) that helped escaped slaves to reach freedom
safely. The site includes The Journey, an interactive account
of a runaway slave's trip; Routes to Freedom, a map of
escape routes; Time Line, which covers slavery in the New
World from 1501 to the 1865 abolition of slavery in the US;
and Faces of Freedom, a section containing portraits and
short descriptions of abolitionists and civil rights leaders. In
addition, the site includes Classroom Ideas, with
educational activities for K-12 students and additional links
to resources by grade level, a discussion forum, and a list
of resources and Web sites for further study. -
[lycées, documents sur l'esclavage]

Capital Punishment ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
This informative site from the California Department of
Corrections contains detailed historical and current
information on the death penalty in the state of California.
Includes a current list of condemned inmates, lethal
injection procedures, photographs of death row at San
Quentin State Prison and the Central California Women's
Facility, and descriptions of last meals and last words of
recent prisoners before execution. Also includes graphic
summaries of murders and other capital crimes of
defendants executed since California reinstated the death
sentence in 1978. - sr
[lycée et adultes, pour s'informer et réfléchir]


Lesson plans
This week's (4 April 1999) free Instant Lesson (From: "English To Go Team")
is entitled "Keeping Egypt's Treasures Safe" and is about Tutankhamun and
an Egyptian Museum.
Access to the library of past lessons has been extended and your password
is now valid until May 31,1999.
User name: guest
Password: nv4588
[ encore une leçon bien faite! contenu utilisable dès la 3ème, préparation
par un exercice de 'predicting', vocabulaire sur les systèmes de sécurité,
et des passifs intéressants]

Newsweek Education Program (FLYER> TLC School Classroom Flyer, Mar-30-99)
This website offers teaching tips for using Newsweek:
Plus, weekly Teacher's Guides that include Class Activities and
Today's Language sections.
[lycée, pour ceux qui sont abonnés à Newsweek]

Internet School Library Media Center ( [LIIWEEK] March 29)
The ISLMC is an extensive directory of Internet resources
designed for teachers and librarians. In addition to sites
supplementing the usual k-12 curriculum, there are special
sections devoted to the Holocaust, vocational and special
education, professional organizations and publications,
Kid's Stuff, and Online Full E-texts. Most of the links have
brief annotations. Searchable by subject and personal name
indexes, site map, and keyword. The site, hosted by James
Madison University in Virginia, also has sections devoted to
resources on Virginia and Virginia school curriculum. - mg
[un point de départ pour découvrir des leçons et des ressources, en
naviguant j'ai repéré ces deux autres points de départ :
Index to Internet Lesson Plan Sites for K-12 Educators
ESL lessons plans and resources
--> Plans
pour tous niveaux]


How Computer Viruses Work (What's New at How Stuff Works, 4/4/99)
This past week the Melissa Virus made big headlines by shutting down the email
systems of many large companies. It was a real mess! If you have ever wondered
what computer viruses are and how they work, then this article will explain it
all to you! It includes a great section on the Melissa virus as well, so you
can understand what all of the excitement was about!
[ bien fait, pour enseignants. A utiliser avec précaution avec les élèves,
cela pourrait leur suggérer de mauvaises actions!
Quelques infos pour ne plus craindre les virus :
- vous ne risquez rien en lisant vos messages sans ouvrir de fichiers attachés
- n'ouvrez jamais de fichiers attachés d'origine inconnue
- évitez d'activer les macros de Word
- et toujours: attention en lisant les disquettes que des 'amis' vous

Are your kids asking to chat? What are the dangers? Here are some points to
consider before
letting them venture out into cyberspace.
[le 'chat', une nouvelle façon de communiquer. A utiliser avec modération
et réflexion. des remarques utiles dès le collège!]


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
Centre Ressources TICE du Rectorat (CRANTE)
Académie de Rouen (FRANCE)

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