Infonews n°92 du 24/09/2000 


A la une cette semaine, des productions de collègues. N'hésitez 
pas à les contacter! Vous trouverez aussi des ressources diverses, dont un 
annuaire des productions électroniques bien plus riche que ses 
prédecesseurs et deux sites pour enfants de PBS. Voyez aussi un site qui 
vous offre de mettre vos documents pour les élèves en ligne. Et enfin, si 
vous cherchez des projets pour cette année, voici quelques idées.
Bonne lecture!

Resources by teachers
fichiers à télécharger (par )
Activités on the net avec du son et de l'interactivité (by : "Olivier P. Colas" <> )
Exercices autour de Berlin olympics (par )
Green Olympics (by Sylvie Rostain" <> )
Scavenger Hunt about Sydney 2000 (by Alain Blu
webquests on Mars
Resources for teachers
Free English-To-Go lesson (
Cathy Freeman (from )
webquest on the Olympics (from Gail Mann <> on ETNI)
FirstGov (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
Electronic Literature Directory (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
American Heritage Dictionary of the English (The Scout Report September 22)
Two from PBS Kids (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
Space TV: Terry Wilcutt: Home on the Space Range (from: spacenews@SPACE.COM)
émissions TV sur Astra à enregistrer (from J.ANTELME@AC-NANCY-METZ.FR)
internet Tools
ICQ 2000b (beta) (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
FREE CLASSROOM WEB SITES (Ed.Net Briefs 9.25.2000)
Postcard exchange (from "Olivier P. Colas" <> )
Project: "The Robinson Crusoe Experience" (from:
Project: "Writing a Progressive Fairy Tale" (from: )


Resources by teachers
fichiers à télécharger (par )
J'ai préparé quelques activités de révisions de début d'année plutôt de
niveau collège, mais elles ont certainement leur place au lycée...
Elle sont disponibles à l'adresse suivante sous forme d'archives .zip, il
suffit donc de cliquer sur les activités qui vous intéressent pour les
télécharger. Il vous suffira ensuite de les dézipper à l'aide de winzip ou
tout autre logiciel de compression.. L'archive contient
toutes les activités et un sommaire de navigation.
Vous pouvez ensuite les placer sur votre intranet dans votre établissement
ou sur des postes en local. L'utilisation via internet risquant d'être un peu lourde...
Elles sont disponibles sur :
[ Pour collège. Notre collègue Gilles Bouler, du Collège de Périers, a
préparé pour vous des exercices de révision à placer sur l'intranet de
votre établissement]

Activités on the net avec du son et de l'interactivité (by : "Olivier P. Colas" <> )
[ pour primaire et collège. des pages conçues par notre dynamique collègue pour ses élè les votres!]

Exercices autour de Berlin olympics (par )
[ pour lycée. Notre collègue Annie Gwynn a fait un travail intéressant
autour d'un texte de manuel: le texte sur Jesse Owens Your Way 1ere ST.
Elle va l'essayer avec ses 1ères ES. Profitez de ces pages toutes prêtes
pour les élèves. Vous y trouverez des sites à explorer et des exercices Hot

Green Olympics (by Sylvie Rostain" <> )
Sylvie a préparé une recherche à partir du site:
Elle vous enverra son travail si vous la contactez.

Scavenger Hunt about Sydney 2000 (by Alain Blu
Je vous envoie un exemple de travail que j'ai mis au point pour mes
élèves de 3ème sur les Jeux Olympiques. C'est une première expérience de
création pour ma part et il n'est en aucune façon parfait. Mais peu de
choses de ce genre sont adaptées au élèves de collèges. Je serais
heureux de recevoir vos commentaires.

webquests on Mars
Annie ( ) vous propose de tester la webquest qu'elle
vient de terminer et va essayer avec ses secondes:
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser le remarquable travail de Philip Benz

Resources for teachers
Free English-To-Go lesson (
This week's (25 Sept 2000) free lesson is an elementary Instant Lesson
called "What's Your Surname?" about how in Sweden in 1999, 4,700
people changed their surname, and this year more than 5,000 are
expected to change their surname. Why? Do the lesson and find out!
[ cette leçon n'est disponible que cette semaine. N'oubliez pas de l'enregistrer!]

Cathy Freeman (from )
Un texte de la chaîne ABC qui doit pouvoir être exploitable avec sons et
vidéos à l'appui. Branching out possible aborigènes, Mexico athlètes aux poings
[ pas de scripts pour les interviews, mais son très compréhensible, accent australien]

webquest on the Olympics (from Gail Mann <> on ETNI)
I'd like to recommend a site to help you with your planning:
They have some terrific background material on webquests and ready made
online templates for you to use.
They identify 3 different types of webquests: creative, analytical and writing.
You can prepare your webquest online and it will be published for you on the
kiko site - just don't forget to send us the link so that we can link it
from our "teachers for teachers" section.
A true webquest is one of most authentic performance tasks one could build -
in short - total implementation of our curriculum. And it's fun!
For those of you who do visit the kiko site, be sure to read the background
material by Bernie Dodge.
[ des ressources précieuses à retenir. Un travail théorique intéressant
autour des webquests:
des webquests sur les JO:
une webquest sur la course, à voir avec les profs de gym:
un site de ressources:  ]

Find lesson plans, information, resources and ideas for over 50 novels!
[ pour lycée. des idées de leçons sur le roman en général, et une liste de
livres intéressants étudiés à fond]

FirstGov (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
This widely-anticipated portal to US government Websites launched
today, offering users access to all 20,000 government sites (with
over 27 million Webpages) from a single central point. The site is
designed with novice or beginning users very much in mind. Instead of
being organized by government agencies or departments, sites are
categorized principally by "interesting topics," such as Business and
Economy, Healthy People, and Arts and Culture, among others. Clicking
on a topic brings up a page with several featured links and numerous
related links to various federal Websites. Users who are searching
for specific information will probably have more success using the
keyword search engine. Those looking for a specific department or
agency's site can also browse hierarchical listings of the three
branches of government accessed from the US Government section on the
left-hand side of their window. While a central portal for all US
government sites is certainly welcome, one can't help but wonder if
the site aims too low by emphasizing the "interesting topics" over a
more straightforward organization of sites. Power users will probably
be disappointed in the layout and the search engine, which falls
short of the leading commercial government or even general search
engines. Many will still use the site, however, if only for the quick
and easy access to the various official sites listed for the three
branches of government. [MD]
[ comme tout portail, il faut savoir ce que l'on recherche, mais ce site
vous permet de trouver les infos ou statistiques que vous cherchez]

Electronic Literature Directory (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
Electronic Literature Organization
The heart of the Electronic Literature Organization's Website, this
Website presents a "comprehensive directory of work" in the field of
electronic literature. Electronic literature is here defined as any
literature with an electronic element available on the Internet and
thus includes both experimental Internet novels and animated poems as
well as audio versions of traditional works that have been made
available on the Web, such as the postings of authors reading their
own works available at sites like the _Atlantic Monthly_'s Poetry
Pages. The directory's virtues include size -- there are over 400
links for poetry alone; thoroughness of annotations; and ease of
access -- the directory allows users to search and browse by author,
traditional genre, type of electronic media (hypertext, recording,
animated text, online generated text, and other multimedia), and
keyword. In addition, the creators have struck a balance between the
democratic impulse of the Internet and the desire for aesthetic
quality, allowing individuals to register to have their works appear
in the directory but requiring submission of their work to an
editorial review by the Directory's board before posting. With
individuals like the postmodern novelist Robert Coover and Larry
Wangberg, CEO of ZDTV, behind it, this Website promises to give
electronic literature a new level of visibility and credibility. A
good thing, even if Coover's prediction that "the vast majority of
the human race will simply do without literature" if they cannot find
it on the Web does strike us as a premature epitaph on that
four-centuries-old technology: the printed word. [DC]
[ ce site offre davantage que la traditionelle liste de livres en ligne.
Vous y trouverez des sites interactifs très originaux, voyez par exemple
cette exploration des personnages dans un métro:
ou ce site si poétique (guère utilisable avec les élèves, mais c'est beau...)
passez un peu de temps à explorer cette page:   ]

American Heritage Dictionary of the English (The
Scout Report September 22)
Bartleby's latest offering is the Fourth Edition of the _American
Heritage Dictionary_. The online dictionary contains over 90,000
entries, 70,000 audio word pronunciations (.wav format), 900
full-page color illustrations, language notes, and word-root
appendixes. The dictionary is keyword-searchable by entry word, full
text, definition, etymology, entries with notes, or the articles that
accompany the definitions. Readers may also browse entry, category,
and illustration indexes. As with most Bartleby offerings, the
dictionary is well-organized and easy to use. [MD]
[ définitions courtes, mais complètes, plus la prononciation. me semble
plus intéressant que le Webster   ]

Two from PBS Kids (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
Clifford the Big Red Dog [RealPlayer, QuickTime]
Caillou [Shockwave, RealPlayer]
PBS Kids has recently launched new companion sites for two of their
programs that offer a number of activities for young users. The first
features everyone's favorite enormous, bright-red pooch, Clifford. At
Clifford's site, visitors can play a matching game, read a story,
print a cut-out dog house, and print out pages to color. The site
also offers some Clifford video clips. The second site is aimed at
young fans of the Caillou program, which mixes animation, puppetry,
and live action sequences. The Caillou Website invites visitors to
play a bedtime counting game, print out a picture storybook, dress
Caillou, sing along, and play a magic keyboard. Both of these sites
are compact, easy to navigate, and well suited for their target
audience. [MD]
[pour primaire et 6èmes. un site qui est à la hauteur de bien des cdrom!
vous y trouverez des petits jeux interactifs, avec des commentaires sonores
encourageants, pour des enfants en prélecture. à vous d'organiser les
activités autour... ]

Space TV: Terry Wilcutt: Home on the Space Range (from: spacenews@SPACE.COM)
[ vous y trouverez des articles et des vidéos de grande qualité, avec une
bonne synchronisation labiale et un son clair et intelligible. Voyez par
exemple l'interview sur: "Mars Sounds" ]

émissions TV sur Astra à enregistrer (from J.ANTELME@AC-NANCY-METZ.FR)
J'ai quelques très utiles infos à vous transmettre, si toutefois vous avez
la possibilité d'enregistrer les émissions de la TV allemande ( satellite
Sur BR Alpha (qui est l'équivalent de la cinquième chez nous) vous
trouverez une série de 26 émissions de 30 mns appelées Fast Track.
Absolument super pour le lycée et même parfois le collège. Les 13 premières
sont plus faciles.
Mercredi 20 sept:
6.45 et avec reprise sur West Deutscher Rundfunk WDR à 8.30
Reprise sur BR Alpha jeudi à 6.15 et sur WDR à 6.00
Samedi, à 14h15, sur BR Alpha, deuxième émission à ne pas louper sur une
série de 13 intitulées Inside the British Isles: Teachers in Cambridge
(school and university).
Enfin, ce vendredi (ce n'est pas régulier) sur WDR à 7.30 30mns de UK Today
(petits reportages actuels).
Tout est en anglais et la qualité dépasse de très loin tout ce que la télé
française nous propose, à mon sens. En plus les Allemands démarrent
toujours à l'heure!
[ les dates sont passées, mais consultez votre programme ou écrivez à notre
collègue si vous recevez Astra. Ces émissions semblent vraiment valoir la  peine! ]

internet Tools
ICQ 2000b (beta) (The Scout Report -- September 22, 2000)
The latest beta release of the universally popular instant messaging
program ICQ ("I seek you") contains a number of new features, the
most notable of which is probably ICQphone, which makes it possible
for users to initiate and participate in PC-to-PC and PC-to-Phone
conversations. In addition, users can also now utilize SMS (Short
Messaging Service) technology; send wireless-pager messages; and send
attachments, forward and reply with ICQ messages, and chat directly
from the Outlook 2000. Users can download ICQ 2000b at the ICQ site,
but please note one minor annoyance: the program automatically
changes your default browser homepage to ICQ's Website. [MD]

FREE CLASSROOM WEB SITES (Ed.Net Briefs 9.25.2000)
Falcon Software, Inc. announced the launch of
(  ), a free online service for teachers to create
their own personalized classroom Web sites. Teachers with little technical
experience can easily integrate Internet resources into their classes while
enhancing communication with students, parents, and other teachers. A
teacher's site is a source of class-specific information and
communication tools. The teacher tools, while very easy to use,
are powerful. No technical experience is necessary and there is no software
to install. Each free class site is hosted from secure servers
and includes the following features: Pages for posting class announcements
and assignments; e-mail accounts for the teachers, students, and parents;
class discussion boards for group collaboration; file sharing of class
documents, media files; homework drop box for student submission of
assignments; customizable list of favorite web sites; community discussion
boards for sharing ideas with other schools; and password-protected sites
accessible only to class members and parents. The service is free forever;
no set-up fees, subscription fees, or additional expenses.
[ un outil intéressant, qui permet au élèves d'avoir une boite, d'ccéder à
des documents et des fiches de travail fournies par le prof. Je viens d'y
mettre en route un site pour ma classe passerelle BacPro/BTSI. C'est une
classe de remise à niveau, qui comporte 9h de cours en maths, français;
anglais, et 9h de travail personnel encadré. Ce site va me permettre
d'organiser leurs séances de travail encadré.]

Postcard exchange (from "Olivier P. Colas" <> )
Last year, I took part in the 9/9/99 postcard exchange
[ ] organised. It was a very good way to kick off the
school year, an excellent way to motivate French students to learn English:
to write English, to read English, etc. After the project I organised two
webquests for my pupils, an exhibition on line and an exhibition in the
school library. Visit the site for an example of what really happened once I
decided to send the subscription email a year ago. Visit my page to view an
example display from France:
Cette année, propose un autre projet. Je vous y invite tous !
Try a postcard exchange with other classrooms.
From : TeachnetNews <>
Subject : Postcard exchanges
Teachnet readers have asked, and asked, and asked for it, so we have
resurrected the 100 Days Postcard Exchange for this fall. Celebrate 100
days of school this November - details and sign up info are available at
our website: We have limited the number of
postcards to 20 per class to help encourage international classes to
participate as well. We often encounter teachers who tell us they can't
afford to buy many postcards or even stamps. If you are also a little
strapped for cash for a project like this, be sure to check out our "Drop
me a Line" page for tips on creating your own postcards.

Project: "The Robinson Crusoe Experience" (from:
Request from:
Name: Alexander Krüger
Institution: Gymnasium Oldenfelde (Secondary) (secondary)
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Summary: The Robinson Crusoe Experience
Other Comments:
Our twelfth-grade English Literature class is
investigating the nature of man this semester.
We will deal with "Robinson Crusoe" and "The
Beach", and we already started reading "Lord
of the Flies".
I would like my students to tackle the question
of survival on a deserted tropical island that
provides plenty of food and water for everyone.
Finally we would like to discuss problems like this
with people from all over the world:
- what kind of rules would you establish on a desert island?
- what do you do with lawbreakers?
- division of labour
- individualism versus interests of the group
- do you believe that man is good or evil?
Please join us.

Project: "Writing a Progressive Fairy Tale" (from: )
Request from:
Name: Jennie Waters
Institution: Park Elementary (primary)
Location: Hutchinson, MN, USA
Summary: Writing a Progressive Fairy Tale
Other Comments:
Our 3rd grade class is studying "fractured" fairy tales (stories that
have been changed in some way, such as "The Three Little Wolves and
the Big Bad Pig"). We would like to create a story with the help of
other classrooms. We will write the first paragraph (or two) to set
up the setting and at least one character. We will then email our
paragraph to another class for you to continue the story, adding other
characters, creating a problem or adventures for our character, etc.
You will then forward both paragraphs to another class. We hope to
have a very original fairy tale by the end of October, 2000! Please
help us!


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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