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This is the oldest fighting system recognised as a sport. The first written documentation of Pancrase is from 600 B.C and it was the favourite game of the audience from the Antic Olympic Games.

All the fighting techniques are used from stand up to ground work: striking, take downs, throws, all the locks (arm, wrist, ankle, knee, neck...) and chokes.

Catch wresting (or submission wrestling) use the same techniques without the strikes.


Classes are available as ‘mixed open’ to ‘beginners’ and ‘confirmed’.







     Tuesday and Thursday From 20h00 to 21h30

     Saturday from 14h00 to 16h00

Dojo Bidart Kirolak

Rue de la gare 64210 Bidart (Map)

Design Studcrea © 2002 pour Kitgrafik




