

These books want to be faithful to the Islamic tradition which prohibit any representation of the face of Prophets, and some other characters like Mary, mother of Jesus (holy woman) and Angels.

I started by working for Jonas' book. At the beginning, the only one which I had to complete in 1 month. 3 days later the editor asked me to draw Jesus' book as well. I had one week more to finish the job. So 5 weeks for drawing 2 books with 16 pages each. ^^"
7 illustrations on double page 1 in single-sided page + cover for each title. Size of a simple page : 24x27 cm.

Few pages had a large text, which leaves less freedom for the page setup and the p02/03 text had to be in the bottom of the p03...

First step : Littles skeches for page setup.

2nd step : larger scketches ( 2 pages = 29,7x21 cm). I show them to the editor in order to validate them. Then I drew pages with pencil before inking them.

Another try of page setup. I was not convinced.

Here few final pages ^__^ (click on the little pic to see a larger one)


For Jesus's book only 2 weeks were remaining... Same step than Jonas' book -

First stage : Little skeches

2nd stage : larger skeches. Difficult to me to find a page setup for theese pages...

Another try :

The editor had forgotten to specify me that for Mary I had to not draw the Mary's face either and the Angel had to have a true human form but without face too...

And there, even if the text mentioned the death of Jesus, it did not have to be shown on these pages...

Here few final pages ^__^ (click on the little pic to see a larger one)

Jésus pl02/03 Jésus pl04/05


These books are only in french for the moment. ^^"

All illustrations of this page are
© 2004 Gibie - Les Editions JSF

ALL THINGS HERE ARE © Gibie -2001-2006

- Don't use them without permission !!
