Lobby & courtyard



6 - Left floor.

The lobby is framed by 2 symetric stairs, one leading to a private flat opposite to the lodge ; the other to the main stairwell. The design of the wrought iron railings is simply exquisite, contrasting with the solemn, heavily historicist marble columns which presence is a little bit out-of-place in such a context. Somehow Lavirotte doesn't seem to care about the stylistic unity in itself, he deals with the main effect provided by his strange compositions.

7 - Right floor.

8 - Variations on the basic theme provided by the sexual designs

of the front.

9 - Wrought iron crafstmanship of the rignt floor ;

the rythmic curbs oppositions remind of Horta's work.

10 - Door to the lodge.

11 - Detail on the right stair railing.


12 - Courtyard : the stairwell.

Lavirotte shows in the courtyard a much more remarkable taste for rationalistic trends, clearly underlining the stairwell & noble parts of the flats using volumes, dimensions of the windows & briquettes. This subtle approach seems to be the absolute negation of the main front excesses, revealing the artist's maturity leading him to control with more ability his previous ornamental frenzies. It seems after all that the main front is, in its own peculiar way, the swan song of Lavirotte's decorative orgies.

13 - Detail of the rearfront.
