Infonews n° n°98 du 12/11/2000


Cette semaine, à la une bien sûr des infos sur les élections, les candidats
et le système électoral, et un questionnaire construit par une collègue***,
puis de quoi préparer les évènements des semaines suivantes:
- le 16 novembre: Smoke Out Day
- le 23 novembre: Thanksgiving
- le 24 novembre aux USA et Canada, 25 novembre en GB: Buy nothing Day
(voyez infonews n°90:   (choisissez : Buy Nothing Day)
Et un site génial** de documents audio prêts à l'emploi....
Bonne lecture!


Infonews n°89
FAQ'S ON THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE (The Classroom Flyer 11/10/00)
American Elections
*** cours de Sylvie Rostain ( )
FLORIDA--READ ALL ABOUT IT! (The Classroom Flyer 11/10/00)
The Living Room Candidate (The Scout Report -- November 10)
Smoke out Day
The Great American Smokeout (Library Hot Five #60)
Smoking Stinks (Library Hot Five #60)
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (Library Hot Five #60)
Tobacco and Cancer (Library Hot Five #60)
CDC's: Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (Library Hot Five #60)
Quit 4 Life (Library Hot Five #60)
Thanksgiving Story (KIDZ> TheKidzKingdom - Friday Nov.3, 2000)
LIFE ON PLYMOUTH PLANTATION (The Classroom Flyer 11/10/00)
Infonews n°55
Resources for teachers
** Randall's Cyber Listening Lab (from )


Voyez les sites d'Infonews n°89 sur les élections:

FAQ'S ON THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE (The Classroom Flyer 11/10/00)
" order to form a more perfect union,"--the whole world
is wondering just what is this electoral college all about,
and I imagine many students are confused as well. Try this
site to help explain the American Presidential election process.
[ une liste de questions intéressantes pour comprendre le problème
actuel...pour lycée]

American Elections
[ voyez en particulier les liens en fin de page!]

*** cours de Sylvie Rostain ( )
à partir du site "Time for Kids" sur les élections:
Sylvie a préparé une fiche qui compare les deux candidats. Un travail
simple de repérage, qui peut se faire dès la 4ème, soit avec trois
photocopies par élève, soit à partir du site, avec lecture en ligne. Puis
vous pourrez faire une séance orale de mise en commun et de comparaison .
Dans mon établissement, toutes mes collègues ont utilisé ce travail et
l'ont trouvé formidable. N'hésitez pas à écrire à Sylvie pour qu'elle vous
envoie le questionnaire!

FLORIDA--READ ALL ABOUT IT! (The Classroom Flyer 11/10/00)
Your students can use this opportunity to learn more about
the Sunshine State; lots of links to outline maps, weather,
geography, etc. will help you here.
[ this site is a good basis to find informations about a state, although
you'll soon find out that it doesn't include the most important things for
the pupils: music...
see the assignement I've given my pupils and what came out of it:   ]

The Living Room Candidate (The Scout Report -- November 10)
Launched in September but only recently available for Mac users, this
outstanding archive/exhibit from the American Museum of the Moving
Image presents video clips and analysis of presidential campaign
commercials from 1952 to the present. For each election the site
offers analysis of each party's advertising campaign, an electoral
map showing results, and of course a selection of commercials in
their entirety. Those who might think that distorted attack ads are a
only recent innovation should browse through the selections offered
here. Some of the ads certainly feel dated and almost comical, while
others retain a certain potency even to this day. The site also
includes a Highlights and Themes section, which explores different
ways the candidates have been presented or attacked. Of particular
interest here were "Commander in Chief" ads and especially the
"Family Man" commercials, in which the candidate's wives made appeals
for their husbands, including Jackie Kennedy in a Spanish-language ad
aimed at Hispanic voters. Netscape users should note that the site is
optimized for Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and may not work on
other browsers. [MD]
[ un site super sur les pubs électorales...]

Smoke out Day
The Great American Smokeout (Library Hot Five #60)
According to the American Cancer Society, ninety percent of new smokers are
children and teenagers. Thursday, November 16th, The Great American Smokeout
will focus on helping children and teenagers understand why they should
never start smoking. Visit these Web sites for more information:

Smoking Stinks (Library Hot Five #60)
Did you know that cigarettes kill more people each year than alcohol and
other drugs, car accidents, fire, AIDS, and murder put together? Read more
startling facts about why smoking stinks.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (Library Hot Five #60)
Find out about what smoking does to your body. Also learn about tobacco
industry advertising and about some things kids are doing to get the word

Tobacco and Cancer (Library Hot Five #60)
Learn how smoking increases the number of deaths from lung cancer and other

CDC's: Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (Library Hot Five #60)
Thirty years ago, the average beginner smoker puffed an average of one pack
of cigarettes a day. Find out some other disturbing averages related to

Quit 4 Life (Library Hot Five #60)
Read through some personal stories and click on the interactive steps to
learn about the risks of smoking and how to quit. Help prevent youth

[ see also the sites and activities for 'No Smoking Day' :   ]

Make connections in all classes with the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays.
[ des multitudes de liens. Pour les lycées hoteliers, voyez "carving a turkey":]

Thanksgiving Story (KIDZ> TheKidzKingdom - Friday Nov.3, 2000)
[ a lovely story where some words are replaced by drawings. for the younger ones]

LIFE ON PLYMOUTH PLANTATION (The Classroom Flyer 11/10/00)
If you're looking for a comprehensive unit on Thanksgiving
for grade three through grade five, this site is an excel-
lent choice. Students will take on roles and then travel
a virtual journey with the Pilgrims, using various online
resources and completing map work and writing exercises
along the way.
[ un shéma de cours très complet. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser seulement les liens en fin de page...]

voyez aussi les adresses de l'an dernier dans Infonews n°55:
L'an dernier, pour l'historique de Thanksgiving en seconde, j'ai beaucoup utilisé le site:
et avec les terminales, la déclaration de Clinton:

Resources for teachers
** Randall's Cyber Listening Lab (from )
Randall's Cyber Listening Lab is a wonderful
listening site for learners at all different levels.
He offers easy, medium, difficult and very difficult exercises, with
prelistening, listening recognition, and productive aspects to exercises. He
offers audio, video, slide (with audio commentary).
He also has information for those of us who would like to begin to create our
*own* materials online."
[un site génial, déjà présenté dans infonews l'an dernier. Vous y trouverez
des exercices audios, avec préparation, transcription, quizzes....,
utilisables du collège au post bac]


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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