It’s Vasanta – Springtime! The snows in the Himalayan are melting, small shoots of grass are pushing their way up, a soft wind is blowing through the trees, birds are singing and flowers wafting their perfume.
But in the spring there comes the God of Love, Kamadev, with his arrows of desire.
Who could the lotus eyed princess be dreaming of? Surely not the old Yogi hidden in the bushes!
But you can never know a woman’s heart. And the Goddess Lakshmi is ever ready to change the course of destiny.
Here are some stories on the Springtime, that season so dear to Indian hearts.
"Flora Devi reinvents the stories in her own way, playing with the characters using her acting skills , improvising bodily and facial expressions, then enhancing the tales with extracts of classical dance numbers which repeat those mimed gestures seen in the stories. Her poetry which transports us makes her travel too. Flora Devi, the language of a flower. A title as poetic as the romances that she brings us."
La Caravane du Mot Dit. Trois Pistoles Festival, Canada