Official website of Flora Devi

Mime, Writer

Adam Darius has been applauded on the major stages of over 80 countries. Seen from Afghanistan to Madagascar and from Indonesia to Swaziland, he is today acclaimed as the world's greatest living mime artist.

He is, additionally, the dance world's most prolific author, having written 12 books and 21 plays.

Originally a ballet dancer and choreographer, his most celebrated works were The Anne Frank Ballet and Marilyn, based on the life of the legendary actress.

His physical theatre productions, in collaboration with his long time colleague, Kazimir Kolesnik, include works based on the lives of Arthur Rimbaud, James Dean and Yukio Mishima.

As director of The Mime Centre, he has produced many illustrious graduates including the former Finnish National Ballet director Dinna Bjorn, Hollywood star Kate Beckinsale and the rock star Kate Bush.

At the invitation of the director of the Dansmuseet in Stockholm, Dr. Erik Näslund, Adam Darius has donated the archives of his career to this most prestigious of Europe's dance museums

"Adam Darius is one of the most exceptional talents of the 20th century"
BBC World Service, Londres