The oldest inhabitants of Surinam are the Amerindians. It became a multicultural country after the discovery because of the number of cultures which have been brought over. But the Amerindian culture is present in the culture of the most of immigrated population groups especially what concerns spiritual practices. The largest group in Surinam are the "Creolen" at whom the "Ingi Jeje" (Amerindian spirit) plays a head role in the Winti culture.
I am the doughter of a Kali'na woli (an Amerindian woman of the Caraïben tribe) and my grandfather was a big piaiman (sjaman) around end 1800, beginning 1900. My grandparents were living along the Marowijne river, the border between Surinam and French-Guyana.
I have spent my youth with my grandmother and she learned as lot about the Amerindian live, art and culture.
My aim is to continue so far as possible the Amerindian art and tradition, which has been already forgotten by a lot of this tribe. This initiative will contribute to not forget such a proud people once.