Accueil-->SaveRes (English)
What is SaveRes ?
SaveRes file size secret.
How install SaveRes ?
How uninstall SaveRes ?
What is SaveRes ?
SaveRes is a tiny utility software which allow each user session to have his own screen resolution.
SaveRes run in background, without interface, using very low resource
SaveRes run under Windows 2000 et XP. This software is usefull only for multi-users on the same PC
SaveRes file size secret.
Software are most of time, developped with high level languages which include automaticaly unused code in exec files.
Hard disks need to become larger and processors more powerfull for most of the time without reasons.
Avantages are for software developpers which win time and computer manufacturers which must sale, sale, and sale more and more.
And for user? He is the looser in this.
Good knowledge of executable format allow to schrink the size.
SysRes don't use CRT functions as strcpy or sprintf.
SysRes secret is changing the entry point of exec file, standard WinMainCRTStartup is a changed for a tiny and simple routine.
Consequence: program size is reduced per 5 !
How install SaveRes ?
Uncompress archive in a directory of your choice.
Execute srsetup.exe and it's finish.
How uninstall SaveRes ?
SaveRes don't include unsintall program.
If you want anymore to uninstall
Stroke Ctrl-Alt-Del et terminate the process saveres.exe
Delete saveres.exe from system32 directory
With Regedit, delete value saveres.exe in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\
You have rights for copy and/or distribute SaveRes.
You have rights for using without cost for unlimited time.
SaveRes is not protected. Don't lost time for cracking this application !
Reverse engineering is forbidden, even for education . Ask me for source code if you want to don't loss your time.
It is totally forbidden to use this source to build a commercial concurrent software.
If you find bugs, contact me.
No guaranty is given for bugs consequences.
SaveRes don't' contain spyware and Trojan.
Copyright © Jean-Pierre Fayeulle