Sujet de stage                       Esterline Souriau

Welcome to My website, produced as part of my ending studies internship at physical and chemistry IUT, Promotion 2012/2013.

I had the opportunity to do this internship within the company Souriau Esterline on the site of Champagné for a period of ten weeks.

This website contains several pages : Summary, The company, the laboratory, Missions, Rapport, Glossary, Contact.

I used the new website of Souriau to seek information about the company and for my internship in general. I refer you to its page for further information.


I want to start by thanking all the people who helped me in my learning, as well by a daily support as by wise advice.

I am anxious to thank the SOURIAU company for having welcomed me in its premises to do my internship, and M. QUILLET Thierry, director of SOURIAU Sarthe.

I thank quite particularly M. RIBEAU Pascal, my supervisor, who was present throughout these ten weeks, to have guided me, for his availability and his help.

I also thank all the team of the laboratory : Giovanni PASQUIER, José DE LA CRUZ, Jean-Marc PAPIN, Clément KEROMNES, Julien BRINDEAU, Antoine THIEULENT for their advice and their support, as well as Claudie CORMIER, Sylvain DABOUX, Jean-Claude GUYON, Sebastien LEROY, for their welcome and their advice.

I also had the opportunity to participate during my internship adventure So 24! : For more information...