Salon 2022


The purpose of our association is to discover new artistic talents and to facilitate their contact with the public.Each summer we organize a painting and sculpture exhibition : the " Salon de Plougasnou ".

Slide show on the opening of our 42st Painting Exhibition


france     drapeau allem

The artists at the vernissage with Chairman Jean Rouve

To see some of the works on display, click here


Jean Pierre Garrault

Our former president and co-founder of Art en Plougasnou has passed away.
A painter and visual artist, he left us an original and powerful body of work. He will remain our friend and we will not forget him!


Yvonne Szczypiorski,

pioneer of the Art en Plougasnou association, has just left us. We all appreciated her great culture, her artistic sensitivity and her love of life. Her funeral will take place on Friday May 24th at 2.30pm in the Church of Saint Pierre in Plougasnou. 

  Our friends Anne Smith, Jean Lemonnier, Danielle Le Bricquir, Bernard Marie Collet, Bertrand De Miollis and Thierry Citron
will be exhibiting in Paris at the Salon ART CAPITAL
in the ephemeral Grand Palais on the Champ de Mars from 13 to 18 February 2024

Marie Halopeau's film "Territoire d'amour et d'Art" about the work of Maryvonne Jeanne and Jean-Pierre Garrault will be screened in the presence of the director and the artists on Friday March 1st at 6:30pm at the Salle Kazino in St Jean du Doigt.

Exhibition of paintings related to the film at the Maison des Peintres in St Jean on March 1st, 2nd and 3rd from 2pm to 6pm.


not to be missed :


Wednesday 26 July at 6.30pm at the Salle Municipale, projection of the film "territoire d'amour et d'art" about the work of our friends Jean-Pierre and Maryvonne Garrault (free admission)


The 42nd Plougasnou Painting Exhibition is to be seen at the Maison Prévôtale from July 15th to August 15th 2023.

to see some images of the works on display, click on the poster



to see some images of the works on display click on the poster


The president Jean Rouve and the office of Art en Plougasnou wish you a joyful
and colorful year !

Bernard Marie Collet exhibits new "Tropics" from March 25 to April 16, 2022
Gallery Le Cadre d'Olivier in Châteauroux 36000
Bernard Marie Collet exhibits his "images of Egypt" in Bordeaux-Parempuyre
from February 25 to March 20, 2022

Jean-Pierre Garrault's design works from the 1970s
are presented at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris as part of the exhibition :
"design for all from Prisunic to Monoprix"
from 2 December to 15 May 2022.


Art en Plougasnou has participated this year in the Christmas Market
on December 18th and 19th by proposing works of the artists of the show


 For the publication of J-F Joly's book published by the association du Patrimoine de Plougasnou: "Térénez en Plougasnou, sa colonie de peintres de 1930 à 1980", the association "Art en Plougasnou" presents at the Maison Prévôtale a hundred paintings and drawings of these artists.
here some pictures...

 Exhibition "Déjà Demain..." by our friend Jean-Luc Bourel (paintings and collages)
at La Virgule from October 2nd to December 22nd 2021

"We are living today with phenomena that are beyond us. The disasters announced for tomorrow are happening now. For Jean-Luc Bourel, the year 2020 was a slowing down, a stupefaction in front of the blankness of the support. Little by little, life resumed its normal course, as did the projects and the desire to paint, but with a dull anxiety."
The exhibition "Déjà Demain..." offers you a discovery of the artist's recent works. Opening Friday 8 October, 6.30 pm La Virgule - 9, rue de Paris, 29600 Morlaix - Tel. 02 98 19 19 09 Mail: - Access with sanitary pass

 Congratulations to our friend Jonathan Florent, new official painter of the Navy.

Below is his winning painting: the Astrolabe in the Kerguelen Islands

As part of the Heritage Days, our friend Sylvie Bellec-Reynard exhibits her sculptures
in the recently restored small Saint-Nicolas chapel.



Soon at the Maison Prévôtale the association Art en Plougasnou will present a new exhibition.


The 40th Salon d'Art en Plougasnou has closed its doors,
but you can see the exhibited works here
Sarah and Marie, our charming hostesses have created the Facebook page of the Exhibition

The XXXX° Salon de Plougasnou is open and awaits you until August 18, 2021, every day from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 6:30pm.

You can see a selection of the exhibited works by clicking here

and then for the press published on the Show see here


Due to the sanitary conditions, the opening of the 40th Salon was replaced by an INAUGURATION in the presence of the exhibiting artists on Sunday 18 July. Two musicians, who, in the evening, gave a concert in the church of St Pierre de Plougasnou, offered us a concert.

To see some pictures of the inauguration click here.


  The 40° Salon de Plougasnou will take place from 16 July to 18 August 2021. at the Maison Prévôtale.
40eme Salon

Françoise Baume - Philippe Bensaïd - Franz Bodo - Bernard Marie Collet - Jean-Pierre Garrault
Franck Gervaise - Catherine d'Hautefeuille - Maryvonne Jeanne-Garrault
Caroline Lavisse - Danielle Le Bricquir - Marielle Le Fur - Florian Maierhofer
Anne Marrec - Marie-Jacques Massol - Bertrand de Miollis
Isabelle Passama - Annie Toussaint-Bensaïd - Nicolas Tréanton

Christine Callaux - Didier Gomez - Michel Le Gentil - Christine Le Moingt de Tissot
Hervé Quéré - Sylvie Reynard-Bellec - Stand-Arts 
DESIGNER     François Lévy

The artistic therapeutic workshops of the Morlaix hospital centre
"STAND' ARTS" are exhibiting their sculptures and paintings at La Virgule from 1st to 15th June 2021
9 rue de Paris, Morlaix. Open Tuesdays from 12pm to 8pm, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 12pm to 6.30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 6pm
Next Festival of Pont Ar Gler from 19 to 24 May 2021
click here to see the programme

Let the clouds of 2020 dissipate to give way to a year of freedom and creativity
and the pleasure of meeting you again. Best wishes to all!


 Intelligent, cultivated, generous, ANNICK BOZEC has just left us. With her husband, YVES BOZEC, former vice-president of Art en Plougasnou, she has worked hard for our association with a concern for quality and dynamism. We share the sorrow of her family and friends who knew her. We already miss her.

Annick Bozec

the PONT-AR-GLER 2020 Days will take place from 24th to 29th September
Exhibitions : Lionel Guibout, Jean-Luc Bourel etc... C.oncerts... poetry with Saïd Mohamed... See the programme here.     
In spite of the sanitary situation our XXXIXth Exhibition has reached its objectives. 2200 visitors attended the halls and acquired numerous works.
As in previous years, you can find a selection of the works exhibited by clicking here.

The XXXIXth Painting Salon of Plougasnou
will be held from Tuesday 14 July to sunday 16 August 2020 at the Maison Prévôtale.

(The Salon will be held with the necessary sanitary precautions. For the time being, a vernissage is not planned.)

Painters :
Françoise Baume -Philippe Bensaid - Jean-Luc Bourel- Bernard Marie Collet - Jonathan Florent
Jean-Pierre Garrault - Maryvonne Jeanne-Garrault- Franck Gervaise - Caroline Lavisse
Marie-Jacques Massol - Albert Oberlé -
Laurence Poidatz -Stéphane Ruais (POM) - Nicolas Tréanton - Josée Wolf
sculptors and ceramists:
Christine Callaux - François Hameury -Michel Le Gentil - Christine Le Moing de Tissot
Hervé Quéré - Stand-Arts - Sylvie Reynard-Bellec
Photographer :
Yves Pouliquen
Four concerts organized by the Schick family
on 20, 21 and 22 February at the Kasino room in Saint Jean du Doigt
and in the Church of Ploujean (next to Morlaix).

Dear friends," Art en Plougasnou " wishes you for this new year 2020
beautiful discoveries and dynamic projects surrounded by colours and beautiful light.

See you soon!

Our next general meeting will be held on 14 February 2020 in Plougasnou.

Monday 5th august 2019: night opening of the Salon de peinture from 6 til 9 PM in the presence of the artists 


38 artists have presented their recent works at our 38th Salon de Peinture !

the exhibition welcomed more than 3000 visitors

To see some works by the exhibiting artists click here


the Salon de Plougasnou 2019 will take place from July 14 to August 18 at the Maison Prévôtale


----> activity report of the last General Assembly (march 8 2019)


Monday 6th august 2018:

night opening of the Salon de peinture
in the presence of the artists

Bernard Marie COLLET, Jean-Pierre GARRAULT, Christine GONDÉ-POLAILLON,


26 artists were presenting their recent works at our XXXVIIth Salon de Peinture

affiche salon 2018

click here

Artistic exhibition of the artists members of "les amis du Musée de Morlaix"
2nd december til 5th décembre 2017 opening time : 10 to 12 and 14 to 18.
Maison Prévôtale, Plougasnou. entrée libre

Painters : Catherine Beuzelin, Anne-Marie Casseau, Bernard Collet, Marie-Agnès Dumont, Yvon Follorou, Antoine Gautier, Jean-Pierre Garrault, Chantal Cornec, Maryvonne Jeanne-Garrault, Marianne Laes, Christine Le Moing de Tissot, Armel Le Sech, Maja Martin, Marie-Jacques Massol, Marie-Antoinette Mengin, Isabelle Meudic, David Moreau, Jean-Yves Naudot, Cécile de Plinval, Marité Roué, Ghislaine Roux, Nicole de Sarnez, Jacqueline Zanchetta... et André Trévien
Sculptors and céramists :Jacques Héliès, Christine Le Moing de Tissot, Sylvie Reynard – Bellec, Michel Sapanel.
Quilt : Josette Martin - Photographer : Corinne Le Noan
The XXXVI th   "Salon de Peinture" of Plougasnou
July 16 to August 16, 2017

the Guest of Honor was the breton moors painter Lucien Pouëdras

(click here or on the poster below to see some of the exposed works)

salon 2017

exposants 36eme Salon

conference :"Pictorial composition and staging in classical paintings " by Bernard Collet
paintings of Caravage, Poussin, Le Brun, Watteau et Greuze
thursday august 11 2016 à 6 pm at the" Maison des Associations de Plougasnou"

The XXXVth "Salon de Peinture" of Plougasnou

25 artists (painters, sculptors, ceramists) have exposed their works.
Marie Détrée, official painter of the French Navy, was the Guest of Honor

(click here or on the poster below to see some of the exposed works)

salon 2016


Conference :Historical and artistic presentation of a 1668 Breton Altarpiece
The majestic altarpiece of the Rosary of Plougasnou is the work of two Breton artists of the beginning of the reign of Louis XIV, a sculptor and a painter. Jean-François Joly (secretary of the Patrimoine of Plougasnou) presented its history within the framework of the Brotherhood of the Rosary and Bernard Collet (secretary of Art in Plougasnou) analyzed its composition and particularly the erudite articulation between the wooden structure and the painting.