Our understanding of Ocular Surface Diseases:
than an association or a support group on a specific ocular disease,
Keratos is instered in all types of lachrymal dysfunctions (dry eyes if
you will), corneal wound healing issues, other ocular surface problems
such as severe allergies and intolerances. In sum, more than defending
the interests of one particular ocular surface disease, Keratos focuses
its activities in common syndromes, symptoms like dryness, inflammations
and inadequate healing and other challenges these ocular surfaces face.
That is what determins our goals. In fact, within Keratos several
different orphan diseases are represented but these frequently have
similar symptoms if not syndromes and face the exact same challenges in
terms of medical, social and professional needs. While there may be some
differences, all members of Keratos are concerned by the following goal:
restore the normal metabolism of the ocular surface (cornea and tears in
particular). Only a collective action will be able to address the many
issues and challenges compromised ocular surface.
By the
terms "lachrymal dysfunctions", in some cases
"dry eyes," we intend to
gather the following denominations: dry eyes, dry eye syndrome,
xerophtalmia, keratoconjonctivitis sicca or KCS, DTS (Dysfunctional Tear
Syndrome), meibomitis or meibomianitis,
MGD (Meibomian Gland Dysfunctions), blepharitis, ocular rosacea and
other pathologies that lead to lachrymal dysfunctions. Some of these
terms may designate a specific dry eye state or even be synomyms. Theses
pathologies also range from the begnin light dry eye state relieve but
less than 3 drops a day or more complex cases leading to severe eye
scarring and loss of sight. The latter cases are truly disabilities,
however one must recognise that many ophthalmologists are frequently
confronted to the first category and are not capable of dealing with the
other. Many other pathologies lead to a dry eye state: numerous
autoimmune diseases, graft versus host disease for instance, hormonal
diseases, some accidental causes, neurotrophic diseases, etc).
By the terms
Neurotrophic Corneas or
Eyes, we intend to designate a
group of ocular surface states usually related to following terms:
neurotrophic keratitis, epitheliopathy or keratopathy, neuroparalytic
keratitis and some symptoms such as superficial ponctuate
keratitis, persistant epithelial defect, recurrent corneal erosion, etc.
In sum, all ocular surface diseases resulting from the
loss of sensitivity due to various causes
surgeries, iatrogenic or medical causes,
diabetes mellitus, herpes, refractive surgery,
These pathologies have in commun, the ocular
incapacity to face the myriad of aggressions the ocular surface faces
each day, to heal properly and other consequences which may lead to
blindness. A deficient lachrymal system and healing capacity are the two
main common carateristics of these pathologies.
Corneal Dystrophies
are ocular surface diseases of unknown specific etiology but most likely
of genetic origin: Avellino's Dystrophy, Groenouw's
Reis-Buckler's Dystrophy or the genetic BIG-H3
Dystrophy, Schnyder's Dystrophy, Meesmann's,
Cogan's or Microcystic Dystrophy, Lattice type II Dystrophy
(familiar amyloidosis),
Granular, Map dot fingerprint or Anterior (or
Epithelial) Basement Membrane Dystrophy, etc.
Again, we are not an association specialised in
Dystrophies but we are interested in dry eye syndromes that coexist with
those pathologies.
Some severe forms of ocular allergy such as atopic and
vernal keratoconjunctivitis but also the more of less obscure link
between some dry and allergic eye states. In some cases,
these are pathologies that can lead to severe eye scarring and
disabilities in severe cases combining allergy and severe dry eye.
In conclusion, the
association is interested in al issues related to lachrymal
dysfunctions, corneal healing problems, frequent ulcerations, ocular
pain and allergies, and severe intolerances present in different ocular
surface diseases including their common therapeutic and social
copyright ©
Keratos 2005-2007