Keratos - European association on ocular surface diseases and lachrymal dysfunctions.    Afficher en Français  Display in English   Acesso ao site em Portugês
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Preserve our Eyes, not our Drops!






Presentation of the Website: Disclaimer


European association on ocular surface diseases and lachrymal dysfunctions. This website contains general information on dry eyes and some corneal diseases and is not intended to replace a medical advice nor modify a treatment's course.

As most medical websites, this website is not intended to replace a medical advice nor modify a treatment's course. Therefore it should not serve as the base for diagnostics and prognostics nor to replace an ophthalmologist’s opinion. It should never be considered as advising any particular therapy mentioned here. One should examine this website using a critical view, as information meant to enlighten the patient one some treatments available to date or even future treatments.  However, since lachrymal dysfunctions are frequently treated on an empirical basis, we believe it's crucial to favour an exchange of experiences between doctors and a more "enlighten" patient since these are chronic illnesses that require long term treatments and constant patient involvement. Instead, this website could be use as a check-list for patient and ophthalmologist discussion. The ophthalmologist will have the final word in terms of deciding whether a treatment is appropriate or not, if it's worth trying, should be avoided in a particular case, etc. Although many ophthalmologists don't like to admit it, many dry eye states are still treated on a trial and error basis.

This website is certainly not intended to avoid medical appointments and promote self-medication. Beware, that many "dry eye" or "red eye" states may seem similar but differ greatly in both severity and treatment. Thus, only an ophthalmologist and proper eye exam should be able to determine a diagnostic, the prescription and the prognostic.

 This English version of the website is based on the original French version. If you read French, you may find additional or more complete information on certain topics.

Keratos is not competent to address medical issues unrelated to the pathologies addressed here and is unable to respond to question related to the retina, the aqueous humor, the lens and ocular pressure issues (such as macular degeneration, retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataract, etc) for which there are other more appropriate patient associations.   Keratos' interests are mainly concentrated on the anterior segment of the eye (cornea, conjunctiva, lids and surrounding glands).

Remark on LASIK and other refractive surgery (PRK, Excimer, LASEK) particularly in the context of a dry eye state:

As always the final decision should be made by an ophthalmologist. However, Keratos, can only warn refractive surgery candidates that a therapeutic alea (risk) exists even for person who did not present previously any contraindication.  Among these potential risks are dry eyes – frequently underestimated by ocular surgeons – which may reveal to be a real disability. Amongst our members, we count several examples of that so-called minority… often silent… seldom considered… and certainly more important than many LASIK surgeons would like to admit. These invasive operations are all the more unadvisable when the patient already suffers from even a minor dry eye state (for instance a patient is unable to tolerate contact lens) or wound healing issues. You may seek additional advice from independent ophthalmologist (not involved in refractive operations) for a second opinion. At their slightest reticence, we would advise you not pursue the project. Modern ophthalmology may be able to correct refractive errors (with more or less success) but is certainly unable to re-establish corneal sensitivity in patients who lack corneal sensitivity or an appropriate lachrymal system in patients with chronic dysfunctional tear syndromes (and dysfunctional tear glands). Living with the need of constant artificial tears is not a panacea… believe us… and is frequently insufficient to regain eye comfort.  

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